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In regtest, generateblocks returns status:BUSY if using --no-sync #9124

Open meglio opened 6 months ago

meglio commented 6 months ago

I can generate blocks just fine when running a regtest node like this:

monerod --non-interactive --regtest --keep-fakechain --offline --fixed-difficulty=1 --data-dir=/monero/data --log-file=/monero/logs/monerod.log --rpc-bind-ip= --rpc-bind-port=18551 --confirm-external-bind --log-level=2 --rpc-login="monero:monero" --disable-rpc-ban --db-sync-mode=safe --no-zmq

But as soon as I add --no-sync, calls to generateblocks would return:

  "id": "generateblocks",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "height": 0,
    "status": "BUSY",
    "untrusted": false


selsta commented 6 months ago

Why do you want to use --no-sync here in the first place? It means the daemon stays on the current height.

meglio commented 6 months ago

The command line --help says something different:

Don't synchronize the blockchain with other peers

It is not the same as "stay on the current height". I.e. I assumed I could generate blocks but just stop it from synchronizing with other peers.

So my suggestion is then to do two things:

  1. Improve the description of the --no-sync parameter. Maybe say generating blocks won't work.
  2. Improve the error message. Returning status:BUSY does not help identify the issue at all.

This was really not obvious and I spent whole day asking people around and in the IRC channel, plus a bit of experimentation, to find it out.

ghost commented 6 months ago

Mu^drt2/to-dt1s' = 3.134gak1v . at^2 8/2ab^b'c|ax| / qt3E(pn) . Thd( = QoV 1/2TcsGv(KN) . V(He) / Od(CO2) . Od(He) = g08ru'imy^-eish/at^2 Oc|mx| = ad^2 || MGg·Kfu/^(-e^2).+eK.piu' Kt(a) . dgid(ntciby) = ucvg /e.(d^2)gv(a) Ort . g01pi = chmg'p|y| / (x)out Kpc(a) = 10/4 Ecv / 4/2 Ecb C(n+1)^(e-e+)^2 = At1^2/-(D(n+1)ts)^2

moneromooo-monero commented 6 months ago

I think selsta meant that if left to its own devices, the daemon will stay on its current height. IIRC the --no-sync option got added to allow the proxy system to work without delay, it does not need to prevent mining.