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Daemon recurring error message #9314

Open houseofleaf opened 2 months ago

houseofleaf commented 2 months ago

This error continues to appear when monerod is running:

2024-04-30 12:49:42.949 E Unable to send transaction(s) via Dandelion++ stem
2024-05-01 01:22:35.811 E Unable to send transaction(s) via Dandelion++ stem
2024-05-01 01:24:37.642 E Unable to send transaction(s) via Dandelion++ stem

I run a node with port 18080 open. Does anyone know what this means, or how it can be resolved?

selsta commented 2 months ago

If it only shows up once in a while you can ignore it. I sometimes see it on my nodes too. The transaction will still end up getting propagated in the Dandelion++ fluff phase.

@vtnerd can you explain in detail what could cause this?

vtnerd commented 2 months ago

This should only happen when you don't have any outbound connections. If you have outbound connections, then there is a bug somewhere in the D++ logic.

houseofleaf commented 2 months ago

This should only happen when you don't have any outbound connections. If you have outbound connections, then there is a bug somewhere in the D++ logic.

I can confirm I do have outbound connections

houseofleaf commented 2 months ago

Sorry, I didn't mean to close this

vtnerd commented 2 months ago

Did you check for outbound connections when the errors appeared or later? We still don't have confirmation of a bug unfortunately.

houseofleaf commented 2 months ago

Did you check for outbound connections when the errors appeared or later? We still don't have confirmation of a bug unfortunately.

I check the status frequently, and I recieved confirmation of inbound and outbound connections before and after the errors appeared. It hasn't appeared again since filing this issue.

selsta commented 2 months ago

@vtnerd what happens when the randomly selected peer in the stem phase disconnects? could this cause the message?

vtnerd commented 2 months ago

The Dandelion++ code should select a replacement peer, if available.

toncho6501 commented 2 months ago

fake monero