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Error when running wallet in Gramine (Intel SGX) #9369

Open yagop opened 3 months ago

yagop commented 3 months ago

I'm trying to run monero-wallet-rpc in Gramine as for security purposes.

The http request are not working (it receives and close them), and errors got shadowed so not sure what's going on. Neither writing logs to log file seems working.

$ gramine-sgx /etc/gramine/monero-wallet --wallet-dir=/home/monero/wallet/ --rpc-bind-port=18083 --rpc-bind-ip= --disable-rpc-login --rpc-ssl disabled --offline --non-interactive --log-level=4 --log-file=/home/monero/monero-wallet.log --stagenet
2024-06-16 14:48:42.701 D handle_accept
2024-06-16 14:48:42.702 D New server for RPC connections, SSL disabled
2024-06-16 14:48:42.702 D Spawned connection #1 to currently we have sockets count:2
(libos_epoll.c:406:do_epoll_mod) [P1:T2:monero-wallet-rpc] debug: epoll: modified 6 (0xffff268678) on epoll handle 0xffff268440
2024-06-16 14:48:42.702 D Destructing connection #0 to

Any idea how to proceed?

Full log: Gramine template:

0xFFFC0000 commented 3 months ago

Very interesting question. I will try Grammine myself.

But honestly I don't think this will be related to Monero code base. The error happens on much lower level (epoll syscall). There is all sort of restriction in SGX runtime.