monero-project / monero

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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lazy fetching of the monero blockchain #9399

Open milahu opened 1 month ago

milahu commented 1 month ago

i assume that 90% of the blockchain are never used because most transactions i see (event horizon) are only some weeks old so the full monero blockchain of currently 90GB is mostly a waste of disk space

why no lazy fetching? let me use a "shallow clone" of the blockchain and only when a transaction requires deeper access to the blockchain then fetch to the required depth and maybe later delete the deep end of the chain to free disk space

selsta commented 1 month ago

I don't think this has a realistic chance of being implemented. It would require a lot of work regarding how this could be implemented in a secure way, and it would also increase load on the network. If someone does not have enough storage for a pruned blockchain it's best that they use a remote node.