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Hidden timelocks #65

Open SarangNoether opened 4 years ago

SarangNoether commented 4 years ago

The DLSAG preprint specifies a method for applying hidden timelocks to its dual-key output construction.

Even without DLSAG or its intended non-interactive refund mechanism, it's possible to integrate hidden timelocks into the Monero protocol. Outputs come equipped with a separate Pedersen commitment to a lock time (using a standardized time format, either blocks or timestamps). Ring signatures are extended to include another key vector dimension. Signers produce an auxiliary commitment to the same time, but with a random mask, and include this offset as part of each ring member in signatures. Then, the signer chooses a random (not necessarily uniform) auxiliary time value between the lock time and the current time, and includes this in the clear; it generates a particular range proof demonstrating that the difference between the auxiliary time value and the (hidden) time value in the auxiliary commitment is positive and range-limited.

It's not feasible to include this functionality using MLSAG signatures, since this would require the addition of a separate set of scalars that scales with the ring size. However, including it with CLSAG signatures adds only a single group element. Adding them to Triptych would also add a single group element. There is an added computational complexity for the verifier (and prover) that, at first estimate, would negate the time savings from an MLSAG-CLSAG migration.

This functionality could be mandatory or optional, depending on the risk assessment.

UkoeHB commented 4 years ago

Time locks are especially cool since they rely on concepts already present in Monero's transaction protocol.

  1. Given a commitment to lock time t (the tx outputs can be spent once real_time >= t) with random mask x, present in it's original transaction: C(x, t) = xG + tH
  2. Create a new commitment to the same thing (a 'pseudo timelock commitment') with new random mask y, in the new transaction trying to spend an old output locked to time t: C(y, t) = yG + tH
  3. Sign in a ring the commitment to zero, using the decoy inputs' timelock commitments C(x, t)' for other ring members: C(x, t) - C(y, t) = (x - y)G
  4. Pick a time t' where the transaction will be spent (or later), and calculate (t' is communicated in cleartext for verifiers):
 P = t’H - C(y,t)
  5. Do a range proof on P, since if t' - t is negative it will roll over and not fit in the legitimate range.