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Unofficial technical documentation for Monero cryptocurrency
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Add Monero Wallet RPC calls Guide. #5

Closed spacecatpixel closed 4 years ago

spacecatpixel commented 5 years ago

I've pulled the monero wallet rpc calls information from and ran it through markdown for monerodocs.

I've also add the mkdocs.yml destination and placed it in the interacting folder.

qertoip commented 5 years ago

Thanks so much! Will look at it.

qertoip commented 5 years ago

Just an update. I am now working on docs for monero-wallet-cli and then my next target is monero-wallet-rpc for which your contribution will be a great start.

The goal of monerodocs is to add value on top of existing doc texts. Before publishing I will attempt to reorganize and enhance the "raw" RPC docs in a more approachable manner (this is why I am not immediately pulling in the PR). See docs for other binaries for what I mean. Obviously, if you could help with that as well, I would be very grateful.

spacecatpixel commented 5 years ago

@qertoip I'll see what I can do in my spare time.

I made this cli command guide for Loki, It's a monero fork so everything should be usable just need to change Loki to monero in most cases.

Might help you out on your monero-wallet-cli endevours:

erciccione commented 4 years ago

Don't know if you are stilll interested in working on this, but be aware that new RPC calls were added on getmonero. You might want to update this PR.

elibroftw commented 3 years ago

This is missing the command line documentation

General options:
  --help                                Produce help message
  --version                             Output version information

Wallet options:
  --daemon-address arg                  Use daemon instance at <host>:<port>
  --daemon-host arg                     Use daemon instance at host <arg>
                                        instead of localhost
  --proxy arg                           [<ip>:]<port> socks proxy to use for
                                        daemon connections
  --trusted-daemon                      Enable commands which rely on a trusted
  --untrusted-daemon                    Disable commands which rely on a
                                        trusted daemon
  --password arg                        Wallet password (escape/quote as
  --password-file arg                   Wallet password file
  --daemon-port arg (=0)                Use daemon instance at port <arg>
                                        instead of 18081
  --daemon-login arg                    Specify username[:password] for daemon
                                        RPC client
  --daemon-ssl arg (=autodetect)        Enable SSL on daemon RPC connections:
  --daemon-ssl-private-key arg          Path to a PEM format private key
  --daemon-ssl-certificate arg          Path to a PEM format certificate
  --daemon-ssl-ca-certificates arg      Path to file containing concatenated
                                        PEM format certificate(s) to replace
                                        system CA(s).
  --daemon-ssl-allowed-fingerprints arg List of valid fingerprints of allowed
                                        RPC servers
  --daemon-ssl-allow-any-cert           Allow any SSL certificate from the
  --daemon-ssl-allow-chained            Allow user (via --daemon-ssl-ca-certifi
                                        cates) chain certificates
  --testnet                             For testnet. Daemon must also be
                                        launched with --testnet flag
  --stagenet                            For stagenet. Daemon must also be
                                        launched with --stagenet flag
  --shared-ringdb-dir arg (=C:\ProgramData\.shared-ringdb, C:\ProgramData\.shared-ringdb\testnet if 'testnet', C:\ProgramData\.shared-ringdb\stagenet if 'stagenet')
                                        Set shared ring database path
  --kdf-rounds arg (=1)                 Number of rounds for the key derivation
  --bitmessage-address arg (=http://localhost:8442/)
                                        Use PyBitmessage instance at URL <arg>
  --bitmessage-login arg (=username:password)
                                        Specify <arg> as username:password for
                                        PyBitmessage API
  --hw-device arg                       HW device to use
  --hw-device-deriv-path arg            HW device wallet derivation path (e.g.,
  --tx-notify arg                       Run a program for each new incoming
                                        transaction, '%s' will be replaced by
                                        the transaction hash
  --no-dns                              Do not use DNS
  --offline                             Do not connect to a daemon, nor use DNS
  --extra-entropy arg                   File containing extra entropy to
                                        initialize the PRNG (any data, aim for
                                        256 bits of entropy to be useful, which
                                        typically means more than 256 bits of
  --rpc-bind-port arg                   Sets bind port for server
  --disable-rpc-login                   Disable HTTP authentication for RPC
                                        connections served by this process
  --restricted-rpc                      Restricts to view-only commands
  --rpc-bind-ip arg (=        Specify IP to bind RPC server
  --rpc-bind-ipv6-address arg (=::1)    Specify IPv6 address to bind RPC server
  --rpc-restricted-bind-ip arg (=
                                        Specify IP to bind restricted RPC
  --rpc-restricted-bind-ipv6-address arg (=::1)
                                        Specify IPv6 address to bind restricted
                                        RPC server
  --rpc-use-ipv6                        Allow IPv6 for RPC
  --rpc-ignore-ipv4                     Ignore unsuccessful IPv4 bind for RPC
  --rpc-login arg                       Specify username[:password] required
                                        for RPC server
  --confirm-external-bind               Confirm rpc-bind-ip value is NOT a
                                        loopback (local) IP
  --rpc-access-control-origins arg      Specify a comma separated list of
                                        origins to allow cross origin resource
  --rpc-ssl arg (=autodetect)           Enable SSL on RPC connections:
  --rpc-ssl-private-key arg             Path to a PEM format private key
  --rpc-ssl-certificate arg             Path to a PEM format certificate
  --rpc-ssl-ca-certificates arg         Path to file containing concatenated
                                        PEM format certificate(s) to replace
                                        system CA(s).
  --rpc-ssl-allowed-fingerprints arg    List of certificate fingerprints to
  --rpc-ssl-allow-chained               Allow user (via --rpc-ssl-certificates)
                                        chain certificates
  --disable-rpc-ban                     Do not ban hosts on RPC errors
  --wallet-file arg                     Use wallet <arg>
  --generate-from-json arg              Generate wallet from JSON format file
  --wallet-dir arg                      Directory for newly created wallets
  --prompt-for-password                 Prompts for password when not provided
  --rpc-client-secret-key arg           Set RPC client secret key for RPC
  --install-service                     Install Windows service
  --uninstall-service                   Uninstall Windows service
  --start-service                       Start Windows service
  --stop-service                        Stop Windows service
  --log-file arg                        Specify log file
  --log-level arg                       0-4 or categories
  --max-log-file-size arg (=104850000)  Specify maximum log file size [B]
  --max-log-files arg (=50)             Specify maximum number of rotated log
                                        files to be saved (no limit by setting
                                        to 0)
  --max-concurrency arg (=0)            Max number of threads to use for a
                                        parallel job
  --config-file arg                     Config file

  --run-as-service                      Hidden -- true if running as windows
  --non-interactive                     Run non-interactive