moneroexamples / openmonero

Fully open sourced implementation of MyMonero backend
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Can't connect to the backend! #66

Closed dmzmsz closed 6 years ago

dmzmsz commented 6 years ago

im having an issue that i could not connect to backend i've already configured the config.json

moneroexamples commented 6 years ago

There is also config.js ( where you need to setup apiUrl if needed (also set testnet or mainet flags).

If still no change, do you get any errors when running the backend server?

dmzmsz commented 6 years ago


this is what i am encountering now .. or do i really need to fully sync the daemon?

moneroexamples commented 6 years ago

did you run backend in testnet? From the screenshot it seems you want to connect to testnet. In this case, the backebnd should also be run as testnet, using -t option. For example:

./openmonero -t
Blockchain path: /home/mwo/.bitmonero/testnet/lmdb
Start the service at
get_current_height: not connected to deamon
Getting mempool failed 
Check block height: 1072645 no of mempool txs: 0

You dont need to be fully sync, nor even there is a need for monero deamon to be running. Just need blockchain path. By default, openmonero will search in a default path.

dmzmsz commented 6 years ago

screenshot from 2018-01-12 15-55-52

im trying to run it on my local

dmzmsz commented 6 years ago

var config = { apiUrl: "", mainnetExplorerUrl: "", testnetExplorerUrl: "", testnet: true, coinUnitPlaces: 12, txMinConfirms: 10, // corresponds to CRYPTONOTE_DEFAULT_TX_SPENDABLE_AGE in Monero txCoinbaseMinConfirms: 60, // corresponds to CRYPTONOTE_MINED_MONEY_UNLOCK_WINDOW in Monero coinSymbol: 'XMR', openAliasPrefix: "xmr", coinName: 'Monero', coinUriPrefix: 'monero:', addressPrefix: 18, integratedAddressPrefix: 19, addressPrefixTestnet: 53, integratedAddressPrefixTestnet: 54, feePerKB: new JSBigInt('2000000000'),//20^10 - for testnet its not used, as fee is dynamic. dustThreshold: new JSBigInt('1000000000'),//10^10 used for choosing outputs/change - we decompose all the way down if the receiver wants now regardless of threshold txChargeRatio: 0.5, defaultMixin: 4, // minimum mixin for hardfork v5 txChargeAddress: '', idleTimeout: 30, idleWarningDuration: 20, maxBlockNumber: 500000000, avgBlockTime: 120, debugMode: false };

dmzmsz commented 6 years ago


i try also running it on testnet but this problem occurs

how could i solve this?

stoffu commented 6 years ago

The error log says "not connected to daemon". Are you running monerod in testnet mode?

moneroexamples commented 6 years ago

Backend terminates because it cant access the mysql. On your screenshot the error msg writes:

""Access denied for user root " ....

Seems either root password in is wrong, or your mysql connection must be done using different user and password.

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

screenshot from 2018-01-13 11-27-09

Im having a new issue now that incorrect date time value

how could i fix it?

moneroexamples commented 6 years ago

This occurs when you create a new account or login to one?

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

yeah it occurs when im going to create a new account and to login an account

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

screenshot from 2018-01-13 11-26-26

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

what do you think is the reason behind this issue?

moneroexamples commented 6 years ago

The issue has been experienced before:

Its caused by incorrect timestamp being written to the mysql. Do you have your blockchain synchronized, a bit? I does not to be fully sync, only just that there are some blocks there?

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

screenshot from 2018-01-15 09-47-58

The problem now is when i run ./monero --test it wont synchronize , it just stuck

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

does anything wrong with my config.js?

moneroexamples commented 6 years ago

The monero deamon should be ./monerod --testnet. If you have something parts of old/stack blockchain just remove entire blockchain from ~/.bitmonero/testnet

If you run the openmonero backend on your localhost. the api url should be e.g., apiUrl: "".

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

screenshot from 2018-01-16 09-39-30

Here is my config.js its still not synchronizing , i've already deleted the entire blockchain in my testnet

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

screenshot from 2018-01-16 09-47-56

and if i will run it on main net there is a problem ... "Failed created search thread for this account" upon creating an account

stoffu commented 6 years ago

What does the log of openmonero show?

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

screenshot from 2018-01-16 10-23-01

here is it

stoffu commented 6 years ago

It says it can't parse the testnet wallet address. Are you sure you launched OpenMonero in the testnet mode by ./openmonero -t?

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

if i run it in testnet it gives me this error screenshot from 2018-01-16 10-30-07

stoffu commented 6 years ago

Is your testnet daemon synchronized? What do you see if you type status in monerod?

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

No .. it wont synchronized :( I've already deleted the entire blockchain in my testnet folder but still it wont synchronized

stoffu commented 6 years ago

You need to let it sync at least a bit. Wait for a while and see if it starts downloading blocks from the network.

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

screenshot from 2018-01-16 10-41-20

here is my config.json is this correct?

stoffu commented 6 years ago

You config looks fine. No, I'm talking about your testnet monerod. Do you see it downloading blocks? What do you see if you type status?

Also, it's much more useful to paste text of logs (in full) rather than screenshots.

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

ok im sorry , its not downloading any blocks here is the logs screenshot from 2018-01-16 10-45-04

stoffu commented 6 years ago

Well I mean, you can just copy and paste the text here... :)

Wait for a few minutes to see if it shows some more messages. Also, type status.

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

here is it

2018-01-16 02:39:53.396 7fae473c9740 INFO logging contrib/epee/src/mlog.cpp:148 New log categories: :WARNING,net:FATAL,net.p2p:FATAL,,global:INFO,verify:FATAL,stacktrace:INFO,logging:INFO,msgwriter:INFO 2018-01-16 02:39:53.396 7fae473c9740 INFO global src/daemon/main.cpp:279 Monero 'Helium Hydra' (v0.11.0.0-fda88c8) 2018-01-16 02:39:53.396 7fae473c9740 INFO global src/daemon/protocol.h:55 Initializing cryptonote protocol... 2018-01-16 02:39:53.396 7fae473c9740 INFO global src/daemon/protocol.h:60 Cryptonote protocol initialized OK 2018-01-16 02:39:53.397 7fae473c9740 INFO global src/daemon/p2p.h:63 Initializing p2p server... 2018-01-16 02:39:57.438 7fae473c9740 INFO global src/daemon/p2p.h:68 P2p server initialized OK 2018-01-16 02:39:57.438 7fae473c9740 INFO global src/daemon/rpc.h:58 Initializing core rpc server... 2018-01-16 02:39:57.438 7fae473c9740 INFO global contrib/epee/include/net/http_server_impl_base.h:70 Binding on 2018-01-16 02:39:57.438 7fae473c9740 INFO global src/daemon/rpc.h:63 Core rpc server initialized OK on port: 28081 2018-01-16 02:39:57.438 7fae473c9740 INFO global src/daemon/core.h:73 Initializing core... 2018-01-16 02:39:57.439 7fae473c9740 INFO global src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.cpp:323 Loading blockchain from folder /home/darryl/.bitmonero/testnet/lmdb ... 2018-01-16 02:39:57.439 7fae473c9740 WARN blockchain.db.lmdb src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:72 Error attempting to retrieve a hard fork version at height 0 from the db: MDB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found 2018-01-16 02:39:57.439 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:120 Exception: cryptonote::DB_ERROR 2018-01-16 02:39:57.439 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:121 Unwound call stack: 2018-01-16 02:39:57.441 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:159 [1] ./monerod:__cxa_throw+0x106 [0x7ceee6] 2018-01-16 02:39:57.441 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:159 [2] ./monerod() [0x705b84] 2018-01-16 02:39:57.441 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:159 [3] ./monerod:cryptonote::BlockchainLMDB::get_hard_fork_version(unsigned long) const+0x3e9 [0x728669] 2018-01-16 02:39:57.441 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:159 [4] ./monerod:cryptonote::HardFork::init()+0x15b [0x81d9bb] 2018-01-16 02:39:57.441 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:159 [5] ./monerod:cryptonote::Blockchain::init(cryptonote::BlockchainDB, bool, cryptonote::test_options const)+0x1e7 [0x759537] 2018-01-16 02:39:57.441 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:159 [6] ./monerod:cryptonote::core::init(boost::program_options::variables_map const&, cryptonote::test_options const)+0xcc5 [0x772e85] 2018-01-16 02:39:57.441 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:159 [7] ./monerod:daemonize::t_daemon::run(bool)+0x1e0 [0x574350] 2018-01-16 02:39:57.441 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:159 [8] ./monerod:daemonize::t_executor::run_interactive(boost::program_options::variables_map const&)+0x2a [0x67bcda] 2018-01-16 02:39:57.441 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:159 [9] ./monerod:bool daemonizer::daemonize(int, char const**, daemonize::t_executor&&, boost::program_options::variables_map const&)+0x17c [0x67e0cc] 2018-01-16 02:39:57.441 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:159 [10] ./monerod:main+0x14c1 [0x549031] 2018-01-16 02:39:57.441 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:159 [11] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fae4490e830] 2018-01-16 02:39:57.441 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:159 [12] ./monerod:_start+0x29 [0x550219] 2018-01-16 02:39:57.441 7fae473c9740 INFO stacktrace src/common/stack_trace.cpp:159
2018-01-16 02:39:57.507 7fae473c9740 INFO global src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.cpp:421 Loading checkpoints 2018-01-16 02:39:57.508 7fae473c9740 INFO global src/daemon/core.h:78 Core initialized OK 2018-01-16 02:39:57.508 7fae473c9740 INFO global src/daemon/rpc.h:68 Starting core rpc server... 2018-01-16 02:39:57.509 [SRV_MAIN] INFO global src/daemon/rpc.h:73 Core rpc server started ok 2018-01-16 02:39:57.510 [SRV_MAIN] INFO global src/daemon/p2p.h:78 Starting p2p net loop... 2018-01-16 02:39:58.511 [P2P3] INFO global src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.cpp:1231 

The daemon will start synchronizing with the network. This may take a long time to complete.

You can set the level of process detailization through "set_log <level|categories>" command, where is between 0 (no details) and 4 (very verbose), or custom category based levels (eg, *:WARNING)

Use the "help" command to see the list of available commands.

 2018-01-16 02:40:13.372 [P2P3] WARN net.dns src/common/dns_utils.cpp:487 WARNING: no two valid MoneroPulse DNS checkpoint records were received 2018-01-16 02:51:16.935 7fadfe1dd700 INFO msgwriter src/common/scoped_message_writer.h:102 Height: 1/1 (100.0%) on testnet, not mining, net hash 0 H/s, v1, up to date, 4(out)+0(in) connections, uptime 0d 0h 11m 19s

stoffu commented 6 years ago

Not a big deal, but it'd be easier to read log messages in the plaintext format. You can do so by sandwiching the text between a pair of triple backticks:

Height: 1/1 (100.0%) on testnet, not mining, net hash 0 H/s, v1, up to date, 4(out)+0(in) connections, uptime 0d 0h 11m 19s

This means that you haven't downloaded any blocks from peers after 11 minutes. Something seems wrong. Can you try again after deleting the blockchain folder at ~/.bitmonero/testnet?

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

i've already deleted the entire content on the testnet folder 4 times but still having the same problem :(

stoffu commented 6 years ago

Then it's a problem for the monero code, not OpenMonero. Open an issue there and/or ask question on #monero IRC channel.

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

if its possible that you can do a teamviewer with me? so you can see if its monero code or i just did something wrong hahahahaha

stoffu commented 6 years ago

I'd prefer private messaging on IRC. I'm always idling there with this nickname.

darrylmalumbaga commented 6 years ago

Im getting error now that "Error getting address" upon creating an account im running it now on mainnet

moneroexamples commented 6 years ago

Getting "Error getting address" in open monero, or official monero wallet/daemon?

moneroexamples commented 6 years ago

Closing issue, due to lack of any updates on it. Please feel free to reopen or create new one if needed.