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monet.js - Monadic types library for JavaScript
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Trampolining example using Free #104

Open lostintime opened 7 years ago

lostintime commented 7 years ago


I'm trying to run a basic trampolined recursive function, but stack gets blown anyway,

What I'm doing wrong and how can I do it right ?

Here is my code (typescript, monet v0.8.10):

import {Free} from 'monet';

function extract<T>(f: () => T):T  {
  return f();

function sumT(n: number): Free<number> {
  if (n == 0) {
    return Free.Return(0)

  return Free.Suspend<number, () => Free<number>>(
    () => sumT(n - 1).flatMap((r) => Free.Return(r + n))

console.log('sum', sumT(100000).go(extract));

And this is the result:

    Function.prototype.andThen = = function (g) {

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
    at (./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:930:68)
    at Object.bind (./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:828:34)
    at monet_1.Free.Suspend (./dist/test.js:10:51)
    at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22
    at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22
    at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22
    at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22
    at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22
    at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22
    at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22

Process finished with exit code 1

For the reference - tried the same with scala and cats:

import cats.Functor

  * recursive sum, no tailrec, let it blow
def sumR(n: Int): Int = {
  if (n <= 0) {
  } else {
    n + sumR(n - 1)

  * Trampolined sum
  * type Trampoline[A] = Free[Function0, A]
def sumT(n: Int): Trampoline[Int] = {
  if (n <= 0) {
  } else {
    suspend {
      sumT(n - 1)
        .flatMap(r ⇒ {
          done(r + n)

implicit val fn = new Functor[Function0] {
  override def map[A, B](fa: () ⇒ A)(f: (A) ⇒ B): () ⇒ B = () ⇒ f(fa())

val xT: Int = sumT(100000).go(f ⇒ f())
println(s"xT: $xT")
val xR: Int = sumR(100000)
println(s"xR: $xR")

sumT works fine, sumR fails with java.lang.StackOverflowError

Thanks in advance ).

cwmyers commented 7 years ago

I can't see what's wrong with your example. It is very similar to what we have in the tests:

Have you tried simple running .run instead of .go?

Thanks for your message.

lostintime commented 7 years ago

Hello and thanks for quick reply

Tried with .run() - same issue there.

The difference with the test - is flatMap used inside suspend() function, without that transformation it works fine, stack is safe but it becomes useless. It may be the closure from flatMap which catches outer context, but I didn't dive to deep into.

sudo97 commented 2 years ago

My intuition tells me that this is not a tail call, when you use flatMap, it's not sumT that performed the last, you kinda do something with result of sumT after you called it in order for it to be TCO it should be: function sumT(n: number, acc = 0): Free<number> { return n === 0 ? Free.Return(acc) : Free.Suspend<number, () => Free<number>>(() => sumT(n - 1, acc + n)); }

Laylow187 commented 6 months ago

./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:930 Function.prototype.andThen = = function (g) { ^

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at (./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:930:68) at Object.bind (./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:828:34) at monet_1.Free.Suspend (./dist/test.js:10:51) at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22 at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22 at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22 at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22 at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22 at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22 at ./node_modules/monet/src/main/javascript/monet.js:933:22

Process finished with exit code 1 import {Free} from 'monet';

function extract(f: () => T):T { return f(); }

function sumT(n: number): Free { if (n == 0) { return Free.Return(0) }

return Free.Suspend<number, () => Free>( () => sumT(n - 1).flatMap((r) => Free.Return(r + n)) ) }

console.log('sum', sumT(100000).go(extract));

Laylow187 commented 6 months ago

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