monet / monet.js

monet.js - Monadic types library for JavaScript
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Understanding the reader monad #160

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

After reading the docs, I was still trying to understand the purpose of Reader monad.

import { Reader } from 'monet'

interface Config {
  greeting: string
  surround: string

function greetName(name: string): Reader<Config, string> {
  return Reader(config => `${config.greeting} ${name}`)

function surround(input: string): Reader<Config, string> {
  return Reader(config => `${config.surround}${input}${config.surround}`)

function render(name: string) {
  return greetName(name).flatMap(surround)

console.log(render('Tom').run({ greeting: 'Hello', surround: '~' }))

I understand the render function doesn't have to make reference to the config, but it still feels like additional boilerplate over currying. Is there a better use of the reader monad?

ulfryk commented 5 years ago

@khoomeister one of basic examples is communication with db - you can create a bunch of platform agnostic operations on db and then pass proper driver when calling run.

ayoung4 commented 5 years ago

check out this so question