moneymanagerex / android-money-manager-ex

Manage your finances on-the-go, encrypted for security, sync via your own cloud
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cannot open encrypted database #1724

Open BeHappy2021 opened 6 days ago

BeHappy2021 commented 6 days ago

Android app fails to open an encrypted database (emb) created in the desktop app. Gives an error that the file is not a database when running select(*).... in a toast that quickly disappears.

Expected behavior Expect both apps to be able to open the file.

I have read the other issues about encryption: #135 #1454

The second one says that the aim for encryption to work across platforms is v1.7.2 but I have a newer version. Just checking to see if this is a me issue or if the update of the desktop app has been pushed back.

Device Information:

guanlisheng commented 6 days ago

thanks, @BeHappy2021 for trying MMEX and its encryption.

For mmex4desktop, we might have to wait a while currently, the master branch is supporting AES256.

guanlisheng commented 6 days ago

some information would be found

BeHappy2021 commented 6 days ago

Thank you for clarifying this. So from the forum it looks like v1.8.1 will be the version were the encryption works across Android and desktop. That is great news!

guanlisheng commented 5 days ago

@vomikan , @whalley and @renato-mmex as fyi