moneymanagerex / general-reports

Bunch of general reports for Money Manager Ex
MIT License
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The following reports does not work on mmex v1.2.0+ #31

Open asokareddy opened 9 years ago

asokareddy commented 9 years ago

BudgetMonitoringCurrentMonth BudgetMonitoringLastMonth CategoriesStatLast12Months CategoryForecast CategoryTrend

The charts are created using the javascript framework ChartJS from, which creates simply stunning gauge widgets. and copy the following three files from the archive directory Lib/js directly into your MoneyManagerEx/res dx.chartjs. jquery-2.0.3.min. globalize.min.js

vomikan commented 8 years ago

Just the week ago I've updated the CategoriesStatLast12Months report. It works.

siowena commented 5 years ago

The reports listed have been updated to use the latest from devexpress as the filenames changed. The reports work on v1.3.3 and suggest @asokareddy updates to the latest full release.

@guanlisheng - Suggest this Issue is now closed.

(from Pull request #59) BudgetMonitoringCurrentMonth & BudgetMonitoringLastMonth

nuvitong commented 2 years ago


I didn't like the dependency on the external libararies of the Budget Monitoring reports and recreated those from scratch (#75).

Besides removing all external dependencies I tried to use the layout of the embedded reports. Additonally I added the date period selection (&begin_date and &end_date), so there is no need for two separate reports any more.

Furthermore I added some possibilities to customize, what data should be included within the report. See the description and the subqueries ignoredAccountTypes, ignoredAccountNames, transferSubCategoriesToSubstitute and transferSubCategoriesToReAssign in sqlcontent.sql.

The report now looks something like this: BudgetMonitoring