moneyphp / money

PHP implementation of Fowler's Money pattern.
MIT License
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Introduce PerformanceOptimizedDelegateCalculator #747

Closed bcremer closed 1 year ago

bcremer commented 1 year ago


Benchmark with added \Money\Money::registerCalculator(\Money\Calculator\PerformanceOptimizedDelegateCalculator::class); in vendor/autoload.php:

$ composer benchmark -- --ref=without_optimized_calculator
> vendor/bin/phpbench run --retry-threshold=3 --iterations=15 --revs=1000  --warmup=2 '--ref=without_optimized_calculator'
PHPBench (1.2.10) running benchmarks... #standwithukraine
with configuration file: /home/pushapidev/current/moneyphp/phpbench.json
with PHP version 8.1.17, xdebug ✔, opcache ❌
comparing [actual vs. without_optimized_calculator]


    benchConstructorWithZeroIntegerAmount...R1 I3 - [Mo0.130μs vs. Mo0.129μs] +0.31% (±0.92%)
    benchConstructorWithPositiveIntegerAmou.R1 I9 - [Mo0.180μs vs. Mo0.180μs] +0.41% (±1.20%)
    benchConstructorWithNegativeIntegerAmou.R1 I14 - [Mo0.180μs vs. Mo0.181μs] -0.07% (±1.62%)
    benchConstructorWithZeroAndFractionalAm.R1 I10 - [Mo0.192μs vs. Mo0.190μs] +0.67% (±0.86%)
    benchConstructorWithFractionalAmount....R2 I7 - [Mo0.237μs vs. Mo0.236μs] +0.27% (±0.95%)
    benchConstructorWithNegativeFractionalA.R1 I12 - [Mo0.238μs vs. Mo0.241μs] -1.20% (±1.19%)
    benchFromStringWithZeroIntegerAmount....R2 I9 - [Mo0.200μs vs. Mo0.200μs] -0.02% (±0.53%)
    benchFromStringWithPositiveIntegerAmoun.R2 I14 - [Mo0.260μs vs. Mo0.257μs] +1.21% (±0.81%)
    benchFromStringWithNegativeIntegerAmoun.R1 I11 - [Mo0.258μs vs. Mo0.262μs] -1.43% (±0.67%)
    benchFromStringWithZeroAndFractionalAmo.R1 I10 - [Mo0.288μs vs. Mo0.291μs] -0.87% (±1.33%)
    benchFromStringWithFractionalAmount.....R1 I6 - [Mo0.343μs vs. Mo0.355μs] -3.30% (±0.68%)
    benchFromStringWithNegativeFractionalAm.R1 I8 - [Mo0.347μs vs. Mo0.358μs] -3.13% (±1.30%)


    benchAdd................................R1 I14 - [Mo0.432μs vs. Mo0.649μs] -33.49% (±0.75%)
    benchSubtract...........................R2 I7 - [Mo0.429μs vs. Mo0.650μs] -33.97% (±0.97%)
    benchMultiply...........................R1 I13 - [Mo0.746μs vs. Mo0.682μs] +9.41% (±1.88%)
    benchDivide.............................R1 I9 - [Mo0.824μs vs. Mo0.822μs] +0.32% (±1.47%)
    benchSum................................R2 I9 - [Mo1.102μs vs. Mo1.117μs] -1.32% (±1.07%)
    benchMin................................R1 I13 - [Mo0.573μs vs. Mo0.545μs] +5.24% (±1.70%)
    benchMax................................R1 I7 - [Mo0.576μs vs. Mo0.516μs] +11.56% (±1.15%)
    benchAvg................................R2 I12 - [Mo0.575μs vs. Mo0.516μs] +11.43% (±0.54%)
    benchRatioOf............................R1 I1 - [Mo0.396μs vs. Mo0.376μs] +5.46% (±0.99%)
    benchMod................................R1 I2 - [Mo0.416μs vs. Mo0.578μs] -28.02% (±1.10%)
    benchIsSameCurrency.....................R3 I13 - [Mo0.061μs vs. Mo0.077μs] -20.80% (±1.02%)
    benchIsZero.............................R1 I7 - [Mo0.128μs vs. Mo0.138μs] -6.96% (±0.90%)
    benchAbsolute...........................R1 I14 - [Mo0.180μs vs. Mo0.212μs] -15.13% (±0.53%)
    benchNegative...........................R2 I12 - [Mo0.526μs vs. Mo0.984μs] -46.55% (±1.23%)
    benchIsPositive.........................R1 I7 - [Mo0.123μs vs. Mo0.140μs] -11.75% (±1.10%)
    benchCompare............................R1 I10 - [Mo0.154μs vs. Mo0.167μs] -7.64% (±0.91%)
    benchLessThan...........................R2 I8 - [Mo0.173μs vs. Mo0.191μs] -9.06% (±0.70%)
    benchLessThanOrEqual....................R8 I14 - [Mo0.174μs vs. Mo0.196μs] -11.36% (±1.03%)
    benchEquals.............................R6 I14 - [Mo0.193μs vs. Mo0.215μs] -10.15% (±1.78%)
    benchGreaterThan........................R2 I10 - [Mo0.173μs vs. Mo0.188μs] -8.12% (±1.00%)
    benchGreaterThanOrEqual.................R4 I9 - [Mo0.174μs vs. Mo0.190μs] -8.54% (±0.87%)


    benchConstructorWithZeroIntegerAmount...R2 I7 - [Mo0.102μs vs. Mo0.119μs] -14.18% (±0.91%)
    benchConstructorWithPositiveIntegerAmou.R1 I10 - [Mo0.132μs vs. Mo0.159μs] -16.57% (±1.23%)
    benchConstructorWithNegativeIntegerAmou.R1 I2 - [Mo0.131μs vs. Mo0.157μs] -16.79% (±0.86%)
    benchConstructorWithZeroStringAmount....R1 I10 - [Mo0.095μs vs. Mo0.118μs] -19.56% (±0.90%)
    benchConstructorWithPositiveStringAmoun.R1 I10 - [Mo0.102μs vs. Mo0.123μs] -17.03% (±0.86%)
    benchConstructorWithNegativeStringAmoun.R1 I3 - [Mo0.102μs vs. Mo0.119μs] -13.66% (±1.33%)

Subjects: 39, Assertions: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0

This is a weird outlier as the method is not affected by the calculator at all.

benchIsSameCurrency.....................R3 I13 - [Mo0.061μs vs. Mo0.077μs] -20.80% (±1.02%)
bcremer commented 1 year ago

@Ocramius @frederikbosch Added calculator benchmarks.

Unfortunately I fail to replicate the improved add/substract performance on calculator level. I have to recheck my setup.

$ composer benchmark -- benchmark/Calculator/
> vendor/bin/phpbench run --retry-threshold=3 --iterations=15 --revs=1000  --warmup=2 'benchmark/Calculator/'
PHPBench (1.2.10) running benchmarks... #standwithukraine
with configuration file: /home/pushapidev/current/moneyphp/phpbench.json
with PHP version 8.1.17, xdebug ❌, opcache ✔


    benchCompare............................R1 I3 - Mo0.463μs (±0.75%)
    benchAdd................................R2 I10 - Mo0.137μs (±1.43%)
    benchSubtract...........................R8 I11 - Mo0.142μs (±0.96%)
    benchMultiply...........................R1 I0 - Mo0.267μs (±0.70%)
    benchDivide.............................R1 I8 - Mo0.256μs (±0.74%)
    benchCeil...............................R1 I14 - Mo0.481μs (±1.09%)
    benchFloor..............................R1 I5 - Mo0.468μs (±1.24%)
    benchAbsolute...........................R1 I7 - Mo0.102μs (±1.30%)
    benchRound..............................R1 I8 - Mo0.575μs (±0.99%)
    benchShare..............................R1 I2 - Mo0.646μs (±1.23%)
    benchMod................................R1 I2 - Mo0.247μs (±1.24%)


    benchCompare............................R3 I10 - Mo3.459μs (±1.21%)
    benchAdd................................R3 I9 - Mo0.221μs (±0.57%)
    benchSubtract...........................R2 I12 - Mo0.224μs (±0.78%)
    benchMultiply...........................R1 I11 - Mo1.285μs (±1.25%)
    benchDivide.............................R2 I14 - Mo1.775μs (±1.08%)
    benchCeil...............................R1 I8 - Mo0.617μs (±1.00%)
    benchFloor..............................R1 I7 - Mo0.595μs (±1.52%)
    benchAbsolute...........................R1 I0 - Mo0.102μs (±1.82%)
    benchRound..............................R1 I4 - Mo0.687μs (±1.95%)
    benchShare..............................R2 I9 - Mo2.336μs (±1.42%)
    benchMod................................R1 I4 - Mo1.240μs (±0.98%)


    benchCompare............................R2 I3 - Mo0.548μs (±0.59%)
    benchAdd................................R1 I13 - Mo0.241μs (±1.01%)
    benchSubtract...........................R2 I14 - Mo0.244μs (±1.01%)
    benchMultiply...........................R3 I11 - Mo0.303μs (±0.55%)
    benchDivide.............................R1 I5 - Mo0.272μs (±0.46%)
    benchCeil...............................R2 I11 - Mo0.503μs (±0.94%)
    benchFloor..............................R1 I12 - Mo0.490μs (±1.21%)
    benchAbsolute...........................R3 I14 - Mo0.132μs (±1.54%)
    benchRound..............................R3 I14 - Mo0.599μs (±0.94%)
    benchShare..............................R3 I14 - Mo0.662μs (±0.98%)
    benchMod................................R2 I12 - Mo0.271μs (±0.72%)

Subjects: 33, Assertions: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
Ocramius commented 1 year ago

That's quite an improvement! Some performance overhead due to delegated method calls, but overall OK 👍

bcremer commented 1 year ago

I really can't make sense of the following.

When calling Money::add() the GmpCalculator it's faster. But when I compare the calculators directly BcMathCalculator::add is faster than GmpCalculator::add.

final class CompareCalculatorsBench
    public function benchAddBcMath(): void
        $currency = new Currency('EUR');
        $a  = new Money('100', $currency);
        $b  = new Money('50', $currency);

    public function benchAddGmp(): void
        $currency = new Currency('EUR');
        $a  = new Money('100', $currency);
        $b  = new Money('50', $currency);

    public function benchAddCalculatorBcMatch(): void
        BcMathCalculator::add('100', '50');

    public function benchAddCalculatorGmp(): void
        GmpCalculator::add('100', '50');
$ composer benchmark -- benchmark/CompareCalculatorsBench.php
> vendor/bin/phpbench run --retry-threshold=3 --iterations=15 --revs=1000  --warmup=2 'benchmark/CompareCalculatorsBench.php'
PHPBench (1.2.10) running benchmarks... #standwithukraine
with configuration file: /home/pushapidev/current/moneyphp/phpbench.json
with PHP version 8.1.17, xdebug ❌, opcache ✔


    benchAddBcMath..........................R2 I4 - Mo0.872μs (±0.90%)
    benchAddGmp.............................R1 I3 - Mo0.664μs (±1.00%)
    benchAddCalculatorBcMatch...............R1 I11 - Mo0.125μs (±1.27%)
    benchAddCalculatorGmp...................R1 I10 - Mo0.208μs (±1.17%)

Subjects: 4, Assertions: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
bcremer commented 1 year ago

OK, turns out Gmp is in fact slower than BcMath for add operations.

The increased performance of \Money\Money::add() is a side effect of the different result representations of both calculators:

// \Money\Calculator\BcMathCalculator::add
bcadd('50', '100', 14); 
// Return: string(18) "150.00000000000000"

// \Money\Calculator\GmpCalculator::add
gmp_strval(gmp_add('50', '100')); 
// Return: string(3) "150"

The result is passed into the \Money\Money constructor.

The result representation is critical for the code path in \Money\Money::__construct

    public function __construct(int|string $amount, Currency $currency)
        $this->currency = $currency;

        if (filter_var($amount, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) {
            $numberFromString = Number::fromString((string) $amount);
            if (! $numberFromString->isInteger()) {
                throw new InvalidArgumentException('Amount must be an integer(ish) value');

            $this->amount = $numberFromString->getIntegerPart();


        $this->amount = (string) $amount;

The result of BcMathCalculator::add() (150.00000000000000) does not pass the FILTER_VALIDATE_INT and thus additional (slow) number functions are executed.

The results of GmpCalculator::add() 150 does pass for FILTER_VALIDATE_INT and is directly used to populate the amount.

This is very good news. We can easily improve the default BcMathCalculator by reducing the $scale to 0 for all operations that will not return a decimal.

> vendor/bin/phpbench run --retry-threshold=3 --iterations=15 --revs=1000  --warmup=2 'benchmark/MoneyOperationBench.php' '--ref=before_bcmath_scale'
PHPBench (1.2.10) running benchmarks... #standwithukraine
with configuration file: /home/pushapidev/current/moneyphp/phpbench.json
with PHP version 8.1.17, xdebug ✔, opcache ✔
comparing [actual vs. before_bcmatch_scale]


    benchAdd................................R4 I9 - [Mo0.298μs vs. Mo0.610μs] -51.12% (±0.63%)
    benchSubtract...........................R1 I5 - [Mo0.298μs vs. Mo0.611μs] -51.34% (±1.04%)
    benchMultiply...........................R1 I12 - [Mo0.622μs vs. Mo0.629μs] -1.16% (±1.30%)
    benchDivide.............................R1 I13 - [Mo0.731μs vs. Mo0.726μs] +0.67% (±1.08%)
    benchSum................................R1 I12 - [Mo0.646μs vs. Mo1.063μs] -39.23% (±0.65%)
    benchMin................................R1 I14 - [Mo0.494μs vs. Mo0.493μs] +0.11% (±1.01%)
    benchMax................................R1 I6 - [Mo0.509μs vs. Mo0.512μs] -0.48% (±0.74%)
    benchAvg................................R1 I3 - [Mo1.462μs vs. Mo1.822μs] -19.79% (±1.40%)
    benchRatioOf............................R1 I0 - [Mo0.365μs vs. Mo0.349μs] +4.68% (±1.99%)
    benchMod................................R6 I13 - [Mo0.382μs vs. Mo0.383μs] -0.48% (±1.06%)
    benchIsSameCurrency.....................R1 I6 - [Mo0.059μs vs. Mo0.060μs] -1.88% (±1.31%)
    benchIsZero.............................R1 I11 - [Mo0.106μs vs. Mo0.105μs] +0.25% (±1.22%)
    benchAbsolute...........................R3 I14 - [Mo0.157μs vs. Mo0.157μs] -0.27% (±1.18%)
    benchNegative...........................R1 I9 - [Mo0.392μs vs. Mo0.710μs] -44.84% (±0.90%)
    benchIsPositive.........................R2 I6 - [Mo0.102μs vs. Mo0.102μs] -0.03% (±0.86%)
    benchCompare............................R3 I14 - [Mo0.133μs vs. Mo0.133μs] +0.06% (±0.98%)
    benchLessThan...........................R2 I3 - [Mo0.149μs vs. Mo0.149μs] -0.07% (±0.75%)
    benchLessThanOrEqual....................R2 I8 - [Mo0.149μs vs. Mo0.149μs] -0.01% (±1.25%)
    benchEquals.............................R1 I4 - [Mo0.169μs vs. Mo0.169μs] +0.13% (±0.93%)
    benchGreaterThan........................R1 I7 - [Mo0.149μs vs. Mo0.149μs] +0.11% (±1.60%)
    benchGreaterThanOrEqual.................R1 I14 - [Mo0.149μs vs. Mo0.149μs] +0.28% (±1.28%)

Subjects: 21, Assertions: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
bcremer commented 1 year ago

It's maybe better to close this PR and open a fresh one with only the improved BCMatchCalculator.

Edit: Replaced this PR by: