moneytoo / Player

▶ Simple and lightweight, yet polished and powerful Android video player based on ExoPlayer
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Add background playback (audio/video) #44

Open lavaplanetmircomposerspirit opened 3 years ago

lavaplanetmircomposerspirit commented 3 years ago

Hello is it currently possible to add an option where the user can activate the background playback?

Pentaphon commented 3 years ago

I think this would be a good feature to have, but it would need to have a new UI element. There has to be a notification with a play/pause button at least so you can go back to the player while using your phone for something else.

moneytoo commented 3 years ago

Currently background playback isn't supported, so the closest option is using PiP (Picture-in-Picture). There's one related hidden feature - Auto PiP. Long press the PiP icon to activate this feature. Then, when you exit Just Player through the home button and video is playing, PiP will be activated automatically.

jtrv commented 2 years ago

I'd like to bump this, I want to use this app for lectures and audiobooks and it's "skip-silence" ability. The background play feature is great for audio/video content that doesn't necessarily need to be watched. Right now I'm stuck using PiP and sacrificing a small black box on my phone's display in order to listen to books.

ShareASmile commented 1 year ago

Yes to a feature to enable playing the video in background while the device screen is turned off. It would be a great thing if such a feature is implemented. decade5

This will allow playing documentaries or such shows to be enjoyed like podcasts. so such an addition would be greatly appreciated and I believe there are other users who would also want such an option.

ShareASmile commented 1 year ago

any updates on this?

C8opmBM commented 1 year ago

Could be difficult to implement, but this is a must for me as well. Watching a video and falling asleep while turning off the screen often is the norm. :) Thanks!

NanyangTaiji commented 1 year ago

Actually, only need to add playback service, a good example is NewPipe, which can switch between background notification player, UI player and Pip Player, also use exoplayer. Similar features can be found in VLC player.

I strongly recommend to adding this feature.

Pentaphon commented 1 year ago

Yes to a feature to enable playing the video in background while the device screen is turned off. It would be a great thing if such a feature is implemented.

Yes. Background Playback is way more useful than PIP.

gschurck commented 5 months ago

Also highly interested by this feature (to switch between video and background audio for video podcasts). Any suggestions for the implementation ?

Charles7z commented 3 months ago

It's a very nice player, but this single feature keeps me using MX Player or VLC. On my phone most videos are only partially watched as video and generally listened while the phone is off while i I'm doing other things and most audio players won't play videos and don't have speed control.

So this would be a great feature 😁

Pentaphon commented 2 months ago

@moneytoo can you add some tags to this highly requested feature like "pr welcome" and "help wanted"?

Maybe then somebody can submit a PR.