moneytoo / Player

▶ Simple and lightweight, yet polished and powerful Android video player based on ExoPlayer
The Unlicense
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[Feature] Intent for external subtitles #458

Closed michalss closed 1 year ago

michalss commented 1 year ago


Can you please add intent to load external subtitles(from local storage, url ??) ?


P.S: Psal sem Vám i email, bez odpovědi. Nevím, či přišel. Nicméně předem děkuji..

moneytoo commented 1 year ago

This shoudl be covered by the already partially implemented MX Player API. The subs parameter is supported (I believe I tested it with something like Jellyfin or Emby).

michalss commented 1 year ago

works thx, i finally figure it out from code..