moneytoo / Player

▶ Simple and lightweight, yet polished and powerful Android video player based on ExoPlayer
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How do I enable 'resume' on Android TV version? #504

Open PacoH opened 10 months ago

PacoH commented 10 months ago

I downloaded the latest version on my Shield TV and I see no setting to enable resuming at last played position. Is there such an option and if so, how do I set it?

moneytoo commented 10 months ago

Resume should generally work (at least as long the video file stays at the same location). Describe in more detail on how you start videos to better understand the issue.

PacoH commented 10 months ago

I set it up as an external player in Jellyfin but when I stop playing and go back to play the video, it starts all over again. No setting in Jellyfin either.

rohitghali commented 9 months ago

I do the same thing in my jellyfin. There's an option in mpv-android to remember last position. Some implementation like that over here maybe?