moneytoo / Player

▶ Simple and lightweight, yet polished and powerful Android video player based on ExoPlayer
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Regarding Decoder HW, HW+ and SW #511

Closed kisandas closed 9 months ago

kisandas commented 10 months ago

I have tried to download video and video has been downloaded now I want to play Video, When I play with JUST Player Video is Playing and Frames shown but Audio is not audible.

Same thing Happen In MX Player but When I switch decode from HW to SW or HW+ Audio is playing fine with Video In VLC by Default Its Playing Fine

So I want to set HW+ Decoder or SW Decoder By default in JUST Player. So How Can I set Decoder into JUST Player.

moneytoo commented 10 months ago

Share media sample or Media info output to understand what the audio format is. Also, what is your device model?