moneytoo / Player

▶ Simple and lightweight, yet polished and powerful Android video player based on ExoPlayer
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Cache and ftp #513

Closed hapishyguy closed 4 months ago

hapishyguy commented 9 months ago


If we use an external link to play the video will it be saved in cache? Reason is that sometimes we are are travelling and pass through a not good network area. So if we can cache it would be good. Also, can we add somehow to look for a specific folder and then play from it eg. if I put all my videos in an ftp folder then can it itself pick from there and play? It would be a great feature.

Thanks harp

moneytoo commented 9 months ago

Sounds more like a job for the intermediary (provider of access to that service). Maybe something like rcx?

hapishyguy commented 9 months ago

I will check what is rcx. Well, need to have something built in the app so its less chances of something breaking up