mongodb / chatbot

MongoDB Chatbot Framework. Powered by MongoDB and Atlas Vector Search.
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Add MongoDB as an Ingest Source #418

Closed wbleonard closed 1 month ago

wbleonard commented 1 month ago

It would be nice to ingest data into Pages where MongoDB is the content source, with the idea that I could chat with my MongoDB collections.

mongodben commented 1 month ago

Hi Brian,

Thanks for the suggestion. We thought about having some generic MongoDB ingest source, but couldn't come up with a useful generalizable pattern for ingesting arbitrary MongoDB data.

We do use MongoDB as a data source in some of our data source implementations. Here's an example:

As one MDB employee to another, thinking about what's most useful for the company, I also wonder if it'd make more sense to have a LangChain JS MongoDB DocumentLoader ( There's already a Python equivalent ( Then we could wrap the LangChain document loader with the framework's makeLangChainDocumentLoaderDataSource() function.

wbleonard commented 1 month ago

Hey Ben,

Indeed. I just slacked you my Aha request for the LangChain JS loader :-).

And thanks for the additional example. I'm been referencing this other example up to now:


mongodben commented 1 month ago

And thanks for the additional example. I'm been referencing this other example up to now:

this should be a good reference as well!