Closed dahiyahimanshu closed 1 year ago
Hello @dahiyahimanshu, Thanks for opening the issue.
Could you share the AWS region where you are running the CDK and the version of the MongoDB::Atlas::Project
resource that you have activated on your AWS account? Thanks!
Region is : eu-west-1
Version 6 (default)
Hi @dahiyahimanshu, Thanks for the quick reply.
We don't have version 6 for MongoDB::Atlas::Project
in eu-west-1
. The latest version is v1.2.0
(see the attachment).
You can see the version in the AWS Console or by running the following command and check LatestPublicVersion
aws cloudformation list-types --visibility PUBLIC --type RESOURCE --filters TypeNamePrefix=MongoDB::Atlas::Project
"TypeSummaries": [
"Type": "RESOURCE",
"TypeName": "MongoDB::Atlas::Project",
"TypeArn": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1::type/resource/bb989456c78c398a858fef18f2ca1bfc1fbba082/MongoDB-Atlas-Project",
"LastUpdated": "2023-02-21T11:42:49.260000+00:00",
"Description": "Retrieves or creates projects in any given Atlas organization.",
"PublisherId": "bb989456c78c398a858fef18f2ca1bfc1fbba082",
"LatestPublicVersion": "1.12.0",
"PublisherIdentity": "AWS_Marketplace",
"PublisherName": "MongoDB",
"IsActivated": false
Thankyou for the prompt reply. Much appreciated.
It shows here version 6
What is the underlying Mongo Db version in v1.2.0 please
You see version 6 because you are using a resource in the private registry instead of the public one. Make sure to have MongoDB::Atlas::Project
under Activated third-party
and that the version is v1.2.0
This page may be helpful Using the AWS CloudFormation registry.
How can i get rid of privately registered extensions please
👋 . Here is the process (See Documentation: deregister-type):
aws cloudformation deregister-type --arn <ARN of your PRIVATE resource>
Example for a private resource with 3 versions:
aws cloudformation deregister-type --arn arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:358363220050:type/resource/MongoDB-Atlas-Teams/00000003
aws cloudformation deregister-type --arn arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:358363220050:type/resource/MongoDB-Atlas-Teams/00000002
aws cloudformation deregister-type --arn arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:358363220050:type/resource/MongoDB-Atlas-Teams/00000001
aws cloudformation deregister-type --type-name "MongoDB::Atlas::Project" --type RESOURCE
Let me know if you need more help. Thanks!
dereigster all private types and activated the public types
after cdk deploy give me below error
I am glad we made a progress 😄 .This is a problem with the permission associated with your Atlas API keys stored in the Secret Manager profile. Make sure to associate your Atlas API keys with the correct organization role (user-roles).
i increased the permission level to inlcude all "Organization Project Creator, Organization Read Only, Organization Owner, Organization Billing Admin, Organization Member". Still same error. please help
Hello 👋
Could you make sure that your secret manager profile has the public key xtdspvlf
? Feel free to share your secret manager profile without sharing the private key if you want. Also, check that the organaztionId provided in the CDK is the correct one. Another suggestion, you only need to add the more permissive role to your key, in your case ORGANIZATION_OWNER
, there is no need to add all of them.
Thankyou for support. pls find secret snapshot.
i am using below command for cdk deploy pls.
cdk deploy --context orgId=63fe62ba55b8e2715c2985c8
it looks the correct one
Hello 👋 ,
In the CDK code that you shared, you have
const profile = this.node.tryGetContext('profile') ?? 'hdahiya2'
This means you are using the profile hdahiya2
if the profile is not provided in the CDK context. Could you make sure that cfn/atlas/profile/hdahiya2
is using the same key?
ah sorry i changed it back it to
const profile = this.node.tryGetContext('profile') ?? 'default';
still same issue
Could you make sure that you are using the latest version of @mongodbatlas-awscdk/project and @mongodbatlas-awscdk/cluster?
hdahiya@IN-HDAHIYA-T14:~/mongo3$ npm ls
mongo3@0.1.0 /home/hdahiya/mongo3
├── @mongodbatlas-awscdk/cluster@1.0.2
├── @mongodbatlas-awscdk/project@1.1.0
basically i ran below commands for installation
npm install @mongodbatlas-awscdk/cluster
npm install @mongodbatlas-awscdk/project
How to know the latest versions available please
You can run
npm install @mongodbatlas-awscdk/project@latest
npm install @mongodbatlas-awscdk/cluster@latest
hdahiya@IN-HDAHIYA-T14:~/mongo3$ npm ls
mongo3@0.1.0 /home/hdahiya/mongo3
├── @mongodbatlas-awscdk/cluster@1.1.4
├── @mongodbatlas-awscdk/project@1.1.0
├── @types/jest@29.5.0
├── @types/node@18.14.6
├── aws-cdk-lib@2.73.0
├── aws-cdk@2.73.0
├── constructs@10.1.310
├── jest@29.5.0
├── source-map-support@0.5.21
├── ts-jest@29.1.0
├── ts-node@10.9.1
└── typescript@4.9.5
still same issue after updating to latest. btw mongodbatlas-awscdk/project not changed
Hello 👋 I will try to reproduce the issue. I will add an update asap.
Hello 👋 ,
Thank you for your patience. I was able to reproduce the issue. I have released a new version of MongoDB::Atlas::Project
with the fix to the issue, which is v1.3.0
and it's available in the eu-west-1
region. Ensure to activate this version in your AWS account.
Please, let me know if this new version v1.3.0
resolves your issue.
Thank you!
thankyou, let me test. will come back
[██████████████▌···········································] (1/4)
10:11:27 AM | CREATE_FAILED | MongoDB::Atlas::Project | ProjectResource
Resource handler returned message: "Error creating mongoDB client : PublicKey and PrivateKey cannot be empty" (RequestToken: 99f1807
b-e672-cd17-8452-f79c425b355c, HandlerErrorCode: InvalidRequest)
10:11:28 AM | ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | Mongo3Stack
The following resource(s) failed to create: [ProjectResource, CDKMetadata]. Rollback requested by user.
10:11:28 AM | ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | Mongo3Stack
The following resource(s) failed to create: [ProjectResource, CDKMetadata]. Rollback requested by user.
Hi andreaangiolillo,
I am getting strange error with cdk deploy after activating latest mongodb::atlas resources
Could you share the output of cdk synth
? Thanks!
hdahiya@IN-HDAHIYA-T14:~/mongo3$ cdk synth --context orgId=640dba22c5b1cc609ab132d0
Type: MongoDB::Atlas::Project
Name: test-project-2
OrgId: 640dba22c5b1cc609ab132d0
Profile: mycom-default
aws:cdk:path: Mongo3Stack/ProjectResource
Type: MongoDB::Atlas::Cluster
BackupEnabled: true
Profile: mycom-default
- ProjectResource
- Id
Name: test-cluster
PitEnabled: false
- NumShards: 1
- AutoScaling:
Enabled: true
Enabled: false
ScaleDownEnabled: false
RegionName: EU_WEST_1
EbsVolumeType: STANDARD
InstanceSize: M10
NodeCount: 3
EbsVolumeType: STANDARD
InstanceSize: M10
NodeCount: 3
Priority: 7
EbsVolumeType: STANDARD
InstanceSize: M10
NodeCount: 3
aws:cdk:path: Mongo3Stack/ClusterResource
Type: AWS::CDK::Metadata
Analytics: v2:deflate64:H4sIAAAAAAAA/zPSMzfWM1BMLC/WTU7J1s3JTNKrDi5JTM7WcU7LC0otzi8tSk4FsZ3z81IySzLz82p18vJTUvWyivXLDC30DI30DBWzijMzdYtK80oyc1P1giA0AAMc5gdZAAAA
aws:cdk:path: Mongo3Stack/CDKMetadata/Default
Condition: CDKMetadataAvailable
- Fn::Or:
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- af-south-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ap-east-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ap-northeast-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ap-northeast-2
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ap-south-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ap-southeast-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ap-southeast-2
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- ca-central-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- cn-north-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- cn-northwest-1
- Fn::Or:
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- eu-central-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- eu-north-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- eu-south-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- eu-west-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- eu-west-2
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- eu-west-3
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- me-south-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- sa-east-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- us-east-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- us-east-2
- Fn::Or:
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- us-west-1
- Fn::Equals:
- Ref: AWS::Region
- us-west-2
Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String>
Default: /cdk-bootstrap/hnb659fds/version
Description: Version of the CDK Bootstrap resources in this environment, automatically retrieved from SSM Parameter Store. [cdk:skip]
- Assert:
- Fn::Contains:
- - "1"
- "2"
- "3"
- "4"
- "5"
- Ref: BootstrapVersion
AssertDescription: CDK bootstrap stack version 6 required. Please run 'cdk bootstrap' with a recent version of the CDK CLI.
FYI, using another secret key cfn/atlas/profile/mycom-default (my org generated mongo api keys)
Hi @dahiyahimanshu,
I am not able to reproduce your issue. The error suggests that your profile in secret manager does not have public and private API keys. Make sure to check that your profile is set correctly in EU_WEST_1
. Thanks
As the arn contains eu-west-1 the profile seems to be created in eu-west-1. Do you think we can manage a quick zoom call to demo you the problem first hand please? I can share the invite on your email.
just to let you know this was not the error before your recent fix. Previously i was getting 401
Thanks & regards, Himanshu Dahiya
Hi @dahiyahimanshu,
The profile that you shared is not correctly set. Please make sure that when you click on the PlainText option, your profile has this JSON format:
{"PublicKey":"PublicKey", "PrivateKey":"PrivateKey-1"}
Your profile should show the keys as in my attachment:
You can use this template profile-secret.yaml to create your profile.
thankyou andreaangiolillo . The problem was with my key structure. after correction it deployed successfully.
Can you please also point how can i fetch mongodb url of this stack and perform simple tests
Hello 👋 ,
You can access the connectionString of the cluster in your CDK code as follows:
Make sure to use @mongodbatlas-awscdk/cluster@1.1.4
Hi andreaangiolillo, Thankyou for the input. I am able to cfn output those variables
new CfnOutput(this, 'stdConnectionUrl', {
value: clusterRes.connectionStrings.standard as string
new CfnOutput(this, 'stdSrvConnectionUrl', {
value: clusterRes.connectionStrings.standardSrv as string
still the connection timeout (i have tried from local and as well as from ec2 instance with no success)
mongosh "mongodb+srv://" --apiVersion 1 --username atlas-user
Enter password: *********
Current Mongosh Log ID: 643e1cee5fea493589d29afb
Connecting to: mongodb+srv://<credentials>
MongoServerSelectionError: Server selection timed out after 30000 ms
Can you please help here.
also, I see another related cdk repository I wonder which one to use. i see some modules are deprecated in this repository. Should i switch to the new repository.
Hello 👋
still the connection timeout (i have tried from local and as well as from ec2 instance with no success)
By default, a new atlas cluster is not accessible by the public internet. You need to add the IP address of the machine that you want to use to access the cluster to the Atlas Access List. You can add your IP to the access list with CDK by using @mongodbatlas-awscdk/project-ip-access-list or awscdk-resources-mongodbatlas.
also, I see another related cdk repository I wonder which one to use.
Going forward, we will add new features and bug fixes only to awscdk-resources-mongodbatlas. This package contains all the MongoDB Atlas constructors that allow you to manage MongoDB Atlas resources with AWS CDK.
For testing connection and proving IP access list, i started with AtlasBasic construct.
from aws_cdk import (
Stack, CfnOutput
from constructs import Construct
from awscdk_resources_mongodbatlas import (AdvancedRegionConfig, AdvancedReplicationSpec,
Specs, AccessListDefinition, IpAccessListProps,
ProjectProps, ClusterProps, AtlasBasic, PrivateEndpoint,
AtlasBasicPrivateEndpoint, AtlasBasicProps, PrivateEndpointProps)
class MongodbStack(Stack):
def __init__(self, scope: Construct, construct_id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(scope, construct_id, **kwargs)
org_id_var = self.node.try_get_context('org_id')
region_var = self.node.try_get_context('region')
profile_name_var = self.node.try_get_context('profile')
ip_addr_var = self.node.try_get_context('ip_addr')
ip_comment_var = self.node.try_get_context('ip_comment')
# vpc_id = self.node.try_get_context('vpc_id')
# subnets = self.node.try_get_context('subnets')
region_configs_var = [
AdvancedRegionConfig(analytics_specs=Specs(node_count=1, instance_size="M10", ebs_volume_type="STANDARD"),
electable_specs=Specs(node_count=3, instance_size="M10", ebs_volume_type="STANDARD"),
replication_specs_var = [AdvancedReplicationSpec(advanced_region_configs=region_configs_var, num_shards=1)]
access_list_defs_var = [AccessListDefinition(ip_address=ip_addr_var, comment=ip_comment_var)]
atlas_basic_l3 = AtlasBasic(self, "AtlasBasic-py-l3",
description=f"URL of mongoDb url",
description=f"Srv URL of mongoDb url",
I followed new repo, i am not able to CfnOutput connection parameters. Getting Below problem. Please help.
(.venv) hdahiya@IN-HDAHIYA-T14:~/mongodb4$ cdk deploy --context org_id=640dba22c5b1cc609ab132d0 --context region=EU_WEST_1 --context profile=mycom-default --context ip_addr=''
CfnClusterProps(name='atlas-cluster-9883149', project_id='${Token[TOKEN.651]}', cluster_type='REPLICASET', profile='mycom-default', replication_specs=[AdvancedReplicationSpec(advanced_region_configs=[AdvancedRegionConfig(analytics_specs=Specs(ebs_volume_type='STANDARD', instance_size='M10', node_count=1), electable_specs=Specs(ebs_volume_type='STANDARD', instance_size='M10', node_count=3), priority=7, region_name='EU_WEST_1')], num_shards=1)])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/hdahiya/mongodb4/", line 10, in <module>
MongodbStack(app, "MongodbStack",
File "/home/hdahiya/mongodb4/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jsii/", line 112, in __call__
inst = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/hdahiya/mongodb4/mongodb/", line 43, in __init__
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'standard'
Subprocess exited with error 1
Hi 👋
Since the original issue was fixed, can I ask you to close this issue and open a new one at
The above code which is being referred from example section is getting error while cdk deploy. please help.