Closed andreaangiolillo closed 2 months ago
This PR fixes a bug with the changelog metadata create command where the command was saving bytes into the output file when the -o flag was used.
changelog metadata create
I tested my changes locally.
./bin/foascli changelog metadata create --sha e624d716e86f6910757b60cefdf3aa3181582d38 --versions=2024-01-01,2024-09-22 --output metadata.json 2024/08/22 12:06:24 File was saved in 'metadata.json'. cat metadata.json "ewogICJydW5EYXRlIjogIjIwMjQtMDgtMjIiLAogICJzcGVjUmV2aXNpb24iOiAiZTYyNGQ3MTZlODZmNjkxMDc1N2I2MGNlZmRmM2FhMzE4MTU4MmQzOCIsCiAgInNwZWNSZXZpc2lvblNob3J0IjogImU2MjRkNzE2ZTg2IiwKICAidmVyc2lvbnMiOiBbCiAgICAiMjAyNC0wMS0wMSIsCiAgICAiMjAyNC0wOS0yMiIKICBdCn0="
./bin/foascli changelog metadata create --sha e624d716e86f6910757b60cefdf3aa3181582d38 --versions=2024-01-01,2024-09-22 --output metadata.json 2024/08/22 12:06:24 File was saved in 'metadata.json'. cat metadata.json { "runDate": "2024-08-22", "specRevision": "e624d716e86f6910757b60cefdf3aa3181582d38", "specRevisionShort": "e624d716e86", "versions": [ "2024-01-01", "2024-09-22" ] }
Proposed changes
This PR fixes a bug with the
changelog metadata create
command where the command was saving bytes into the output file when the -o flag was used.I tested my changes locally.
With PR changes: