mongoid / origin

A Ruby DSL for building MongoDB queries
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negation (.not) doesn't work for gt, gte, lt, lte operators #70

Closed humanbagel closed 11 years ago

humanbagel commented 11 years ago

In the docs for negation, the example given is 50)
queryable.selector #=> { "age" => { "$not" => { "$gt" => 50 }}}

However here's what I get (on origin 1.0.11 and mongoid 3.0.19) 50).selector #=> {"age"=>{"$gt"=>50}}
Person.not.lte(age: 50).selector #=> {"age"=>{"$lte"=>50}}

However, negation of "in" works: "").selector #=> {"email_address"=>{"$not"=>{"$in"=>[""]}}}
arthurnn commented 11 years ago

Closing this ticket for now, as pr #73 should fix it.

thanks for the report.