mongolab / mongoctl

Manage MongoDB servers and replica sets using JSON configurations!
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How to make it work with IPs instead of DNS names? #41

Open fog1985 opened 7 years ago

fog1985 commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

My configuration for the server look as follow:

{ "_id": "MyClusterServer2",

    "description" : "My cluster member",

    "address": "",
        "port": 37027,
        "dbpath": "~/mongodb-data/my-cluster-server2",
        "directoryperdb": true

for other server (closter node which is aimed to be run locally) I define "localhost" as the host.

But during run (server/cluster start) "mongoctl" produces number of errors as follow:

Unable to resolve address '' for server 'MyClusterServer1'. Cause: Invalid host 'ip-192-168-132-112'. Cause: [Errno -2] Name or service not known Unable to resolve address '' for server 'MyClusterArbiter'. Cause: Invalid host 'ip-192-168-132-112'. Cause: [Errno -2] Name or service not known Unable to determine primary server for replica set cluster 'MyCluster'

Even more complicated is that despite of that, it starts mongo instance. But then I can't delete it:

mongoctl stop MyClusterServer1

Checking to see if server 'MyClusterServer1' is actually running before stopping it... Unable to determine pid for server 'MyClusterServer1'. pid file '/home/ubuntu/mongodb-data/my-cluster-server1/pid.txt' does not exist Stopping server 'MyClusterServer1' (pid=[Cannot be determined])...

Sending the following command to localhost:27017: { "shutdown": 1, "force": false }

Failed to gracefully stop server 'MyClusterServer1'. Cause: shutdown must run from localhost when running db without auth Issue the shutdown with force command? [y/n] y

Sending the following command to localhost:27017: { "shutdown": 1, "force": true }

Failed to gracefully stop server 'MyClusterServer1'. Cause: shutdown must run from localhost when running db without auth Cannot forcibly stop the server because the server's process ID cannot be determined; pid file '/home/ubuntu/mongodb-data/my-cluster-server1/pid.txt' does not exist. Unable to stop server 'MyClusterServer1'.

Though server is up and running:

mongoctl status MyClusterServer1

Status for server 'MyClusterServer1': { "connection": true, "serverStatusSummary": { "connections": { "current": 3, "available": 419427 }, "host": "894c34d3b089", "version": "3.2.6" }, "selfReplicaSetStatusSummary": { "stateStr": "SECONDARY", "name": "" } }

Hence, everything is messed up. It somehow works, though telling me that it can't connect and actually even find other nodes. I can't stop it at all.

Regards, Taras.