mongoose-os-apps / shelly-homekit

Apple HomeKit firmware for Shelly's
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HAP Type Garagedoor #142

Closed Pixel-Chris closed 3 years ago

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

It would be nice if the garagedoor HAP Type could be integrated for a Shelly 2.5, then the second input can be used for detecting a closed garagedoor (with an magnetic sensor).

Ludelag commented 3 years ago

You can do this already with the Shelly 1, just use the L for mass, the N for the neutral, connect I and O to the garage door, the switch goes to the magnetic sensor and feed also the magnetic sensor with L. configure the Shelly 1 as detached

ursusHU commented 3 years ago

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

@Ludelag Thanks!! That works for now!

So when HAP type „Garage“ is implemented, the user should be able to use 1 sensor with Shelly 1 and 2 sensors with shelly 2.5 (If you also want a sensor for an completely opened door)

Some Tips : The most Hörmann Garagedoor openers have an implemented door closed output! And the Shelly can be powered with 24V from the board.

Ludelag commented 3 years ago



That works for now!

So when HAP type „Garage“ is implemented, the user should be able to use 1 sensor with Shelly 1 and 2 sensors with shelly 2.5

(If you also want a sensor for an completely opened door)

Some Tips :

The most Hörmann Garagedoor openers have an implemented door closed output! And the Shelly can be powered with 24V from the board.

@Pixel-Chris good to read it has worked! Thanks for the tips as well, I will check it out.

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

@rojer Is it possible to use the „serial port“ gpios for a second sensor/Input ?


rojer commented 3 years ago

in principle yes, in practice - unlikely. once you go up to any significant length of wires, noise becomes an issue and you will get false triggering all the time. you are better off just buying shelly 2.5. correct me if i'm wrong, but garage door functionality sounds more like #5, no?

andyblac commented 3 years ago

in principle yes, in practice - unlikely. once you go up to any significant length of wires, noise becomes an issue and you will get false triggering all the time. you are better off just buying shelly 2.5. correct me if i'm wrong, but garage door functionality sounds more like #5, no?

yes, but normally garage door, only operate on one button that does (OPEN, STOP, CLOSE, STOP, OPEN, etc)

rojer commented 3 years ago

ok. i don't own and have never used a motorized garage door, i'll need detailed description of the operation and available inputs and outputs.

andyblac commented 3 years ago

ok. i don't own and have never used a motorized garage door, i'll need detailed description of the operation and available inputs and outputs.

on mine, and I think the vast majority operate on a single push button type, each time you press the button it cycles through the above function list.

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

The problem is, that most garagedoor openers have only one button (direction 1 -> stop -> direction 2 -> stop -> direction 1 and so on) So no separate buttons for up an down And for the end positions normally magnetic sensors are used, Some of them have an door closed sensor included, some of them have also the open sensor included)

For my Hörmann promatic 2 (with included garage door closed sensor/output) it would be possible I use the serial gpio in the garagedoor opener (so short cables are possible) for garage door closed and the SW port with a magnetic sensor for garage door open.

andyblac commented 3 years ago

The problem is, that most garagedoor openers have only one button (direction 1 -> stop -> direction 2 -> stop -> direction 1 and so on) So no separate buttons for up an down And for the end positions normally magnetic sensors are used, Some of them have an door closed sensor included, some of them have also the open sensor included)

For my Hörmann promatic 2 (with included garage door closed sensor/output)

I use iSmartGate on mine, but the original opener, did not even have sensors, just end points where if no button was pressed to stop the motor it just stopped by itself as it hit the endpoint, as it did not care if door was open or closed, as the next press was stop, then close.

rojer commented 3 years ago

can you find and link here some documentation for popular garage door systems that we'd be integrating with?

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

Hörmann promatic 2

rojer commented 3 years ago

um... in english, if possible :)

andyblac commented 3 years ago

momentary button on 11 & 13 on board. so in this case you would have to use a shelly1 as a dry contact is required O would go to 11 on main board, and 13 to I, or vice versa would not really matter, as a dry contact.

and with auto off with 500ms,

you would need to link a Door Contact sensor to shelly to complete it as HomeKit garage door

I currently use this on mine

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

In English Hörmann Promatic 2

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

So for my Hörmann garagedoor opener I connected the Shelly as follows:

L(-) goes to 20 N(+) goes to 5 So the Shelly is powered with 24V

0 and I goes to the momentary switch input

SW to the 0V R- (where normally the optional Relais is connected) (Detached mode, Auto off after 2 seconds)

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago


Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

And if the Gpio pins can be used:

L(-) goes to 20 N(+) goes to 5

0 and I goes to the momentary switch input

SW to a magnetic door sensor (fully opened)

GPIO to the 0V R- (where normally the optional Relais is connected) (door closed)

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

Found a thread where they used the gpio pins:

vkingxxx commented 3 years ago

Found a thread where they used the gpio pins:

Why do you need 2 sensors? One magnetic or inside signal for closed door is sufficient. Sensor is active = door is close, inactive door is open.

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

The HAP Type „Garagedoor“ can show the actually states: Door opened Door closing Door closed Door opening

So both end positions would be nice And when the opener provides an internal output for one of them why not use the gpio for that and an external magnetic switch for the other end position.

And when there are two recognised endpositions, and after x seconds none of them is the actual state - you know that there is a problem (Maybe there is a state „door failure“ or something like that)

The Hörmann supramatic Series has two build in (internal) endposition outputs. So why not use these?

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

And I found something:

let HMCharacteristicTypeObstructionDetected: String An indicator of whether an obstruction is detected, as when something prevents a garage door from closing.


andyblac commented 3 years ago

@Pixel-Chris my HomeKit opener only has 1 sensor and all 4 conditions are supported, when Closed and it start opening it show "Opening.." till the motor stops (no current) then it shows "Open" (from as the sensor is open, and same in reverse. So only 1 sensor is required. IMO.

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

Yes you are right One sensor is normally enough

But when you have two sensors... why not use both? The Shelly can do it (an when not the gpio pins of an Shelly one - then an Shelly 2.5 can do it)

Motor stops because of an obstacle? Or what after an power loss? In which position is the door (open? Or in the middle?)

vkingxxx commented 3 years ago

I have too 4 states with one sensor with another firmware. In this firmware is defined time to close XY seconds, when door is not in XY seconds closed/sensor activated = obstruction. I don't need detect obstruction for opening.

Is possible with @rojer firmware switch door status on SW contact?

andyblac commented 3 years ago

Yes you are right One sensor is normally enough

But when you have two sensors... why not use both? The Shelly can do it (an when not the gpio pins of an Shelly one - then an Shelly 2.5 can do it)

shelly 2.5 is not dry contact, so can't always be used. ie I couldn't use it on mine, as NO VOLTAGE can go through to garage circuit.

Motor stops because of an obstacle? Or what after an power loss? In which position is the door (open? Or in the middle?)

yes. my garage opener board has a sensor on it, thats disconnect the opener circuit if blocked, and iSmartGarage detects this and reports "Obstruction". on an obstruction or after a power loss, the door reset to "open" position (unless was in a closed state).

vkingxxx commented 3 years ago


Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

IMO It should be possible to choose

and where there are connected SW, GPIO x

Maybe rojer can include the new calibration mode form the roller shutter type ( to define the times

rojer commented 3 years ago

i'm not super excited about the idea of making header gpios available for stuff, because they are not properly isolated.

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

i'm not super excited about the idea of making header gpios available for stuff, because they are not properly isolated.

Shelly 2.5 ?

rojer commented 3 years ago

i mean the additional GPIOs available on the programming header on any type of device. shelly 2.5 provides 2 proper inputs, so yes, those can be used for remote sensing.

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

Ok, Perfect !

hfagelnour commented 3 years ago

You can do this already with the Shelly 1, just use the L for mass, the N for the neutral, connect I and O to the garage door, the switch goes to the magnetic sensor and feed also the magnetic sensor with L. configure the Shelly 1 as detached

The reed switch (magnetic) .... does it have to be on by default or off?

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

The reed switch (magnetic) .... does it have to be on by default or off?

The sensor contact should be closed, when the garagedoor is closed / when the sensor is near the magnet.

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

NC = normally close

juancitomadrid commented 3 years ago

Can tests be done with current firmware for Shelly 1 ? (I have a garage door with 1 sensor, open/close). What setup should I use?

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

Yes Testing is possible with the stock firmware. The closed door is visualised with a blue line in the power button: E34AA77C-3547-4C49-8219-D1331A0DF01D

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

My garagedoor opener can power the Shelly with 24v And the closed sensor is included....

Stundenplan7b commented 3 years ago

You can do this already with the Shelly 1, just use the L for mass, the N for the neutral, connect I and O to the garage door, the switch goes to the magnetic sensor and feed also the magnetic sensor with L.

configure the Shelly 1 as detached

Hello Ludelag, if i do this what happens in the HomeKit App? Will i see a Counter or a garagedoor? If i see the normal Counter how does it work? Is the Counter active while Door is open and inactive while the door is closed?

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

Actually it works only with the stock firmware, no HomeKit!

andyblac commented 3 years ago

@rojer should I close this ticket in favour of this one ?

Ludelag commented 3 years ago


Testing is possible with the stock firmware.

The closed door is visualised with a blue line in the power button:


When I just updated to the last version of the Shelly 1 immediately came to my mind this blue bottom that works when the switch Shelly is detached, with the new version you actually got more o less the same when detached you get the input 1 which could be use to connect a door sensor abs detect if the door is open or close. Even can be coded to appear in HomeKit as garage door showing the open or close position. Like shows on this video:

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

With the stock firmware the sensor is connected to the detached switch. And the input and output is wired the the momentary switch input of the garage door opener. So the switch must be in detached mode and the auto-off needs to be set (for example „2 seconds“).

So you can control the garagedoor over the Shelly App or an url And you can see the state of the door in the Shelly app

Now the HAP Type „garage door“ must be implemented in the HomeKit Firmware, so that it is displayed as an garage door in the home app and an external sensor wired to the detached switch port must be recognized. Optional, when there are two sensors for opened and closed state, the Shelly 2.5 must be supported (I think this will only work, when the Shelly is powered over the garage door opener with 24V).

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

@rojer Sorry I have to ask again ;-) (GPIOs)

When you add an option to the Shelly 1 webui... for example: „Has the opener an integrated sensor?“ „Is the Shelly powered with 24V from the garage door opener“ or can the Shelly recognise on its own, how it is powered? 12v/24v/230v ???

When that would be possible... and the Shelly 1 is powered over 12v or 24v - and only then - the option to use the gpios is given to use one of them for an additional sensor. What would you say about this?

As additional info: When the opener has an integrated sensor and the Shelly can be powered over the opener, The Shelly can be integrated in the opener housing - so cables can be very short for the gpios.

rojer commented 3 years ago

@Pixel-Chris we'll have some UI options for sure. wrt power - i don't think it matters how shelly is powered, as long as it works and input works as well. again, i am not a fan of allowing pin header GPIOs to be used as inputs, it can damage internal circuitry and absence of proper input noise suppression will cause issues with false triggers that will be difficult to debug. as far as i'm concerned, if you need more than one input - get a shelly 2.5.

please keep updating this issue with relevant information, i'm not focusing on it right now but it will come in handy when the time comes.

in particular, i'd like to know how much garage door control is different from roller shutter control that we're discussing on #5, and whether it makes sense to share some code internally.

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

IMO It is not the same like an Roller shutter, because you only send an signal to the motor that it should start or stop (the complete cycling process is controlled by the opener itself) the garagedoor opener is not powered over the Relais of the Shelly.

Whiterabbit64 commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to do something with a wireless sensor ? I’m using a Shelly 1 to control my garage door. To get the door status I’ve installed a Xiaomi wireless sensor. When door is closed, Xiaomi sensor is closed, when door is opened, Xiaomi sensor is opened (I have a Xiaomi gateway to get sensor status in Homekit).

So my question is: is there any way to link the Xiaomi sensor status to the Shelly 1 ?

Pixel-Chris commented 3 years ago

or the Shelly Door Window sensor ?

Ludelag commented 3 years ago

@rojer the garage door needs most of them usually needs only trigger for 1 or 2 seconds to operate is quiet simple. The same action wired all the same action the door to open trigger again stops trigger again opens. If the door is open when trigger food closes or vicevers