mongoose-os-apps / shelly-homekit

Apple HomeKit firmware for Shelly's
1.76k stars 128 forks source link

Version 1.4.2 on Shelly plus 2PM #1442

Open MacUser341 opened 2 weeks ago

MacUser341 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello As I understand the HomeKit support isn’t working with version 1.4 and up and I need to revert to 1.3.3

first is there any ETA to release an update that will support the new version?

second. I’ve searched a lot and I don’t understand how to revert the 1.4 stock firmware to the 1.3.3 stock firmware. I’ve seen the link to download but I can’t seem to find a manual - any help will be appreciated.

markirb commented 2 weeks ago


There is no ETA, as supporting this completely is not an easy task; otherwise this would be done already.

They change partition sizes (64kb go from fs to app) during upgrade which is... a real pain to reprogram.

Currently I see three ways to support this which all have their downsides.

  1. is to provide two different versions of this firmware for each partition layout. The downside would be that we can never really use the larger app partition, but we probably do not need the space. However it is unclear if the automatic updater can differentiate between devices on two different partition tables. And to explain to people that they need other versions depending on their current partition layout is also a pain.

  2. is to have only a firmware for the new partition sizes. This would require everyone on the old Shelly-HomeKit version do three updates for each device if they want a new version. (Revert to 1.3.3 then go to 1.4.x then to Shelly HomeKit again). This is not very nice

  3. try out if using a the smaller fs is accepted by stock. Then we would not have to care from which stock fw we update. However a revert to stock would need the version for the 1.3.3 if the partition table is still old.

You see.... not very cool situation. What would you do?

In Shelly stock firmware you have a form where you can upload zips in the firmware section. Just put the file there and hit upload/update.


Baionar commented 2 weeks ago

Bonjour Je profite du post pour remercier tous les développeurs et faire un petit retour d'expérience à MacUser341. Après avoir téléchargé les 2 zip (1.3.3 + version Shelly Homekit), j'ai accédé à l'adresse IP de mon shelly avec mon naviguateur Edge PC. La page affichée et les fonctions sont claires. A la rubrique Firmware je suis revenu de la version officielle du moment à la version 1.3.3 puis une fois l'opération terminée chargement du firmware Shelly Homekit. Ensuite paramétrage des autres rubriques via la même interface. Déroulement sans pbm, cela a été rapide et les résultats sont OK. Bravo et merci encore aux développeurs