mongulu-cm / manzi-mfa

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Closed billmetangmo closed 1 month ago

tsafacjo commented 8 months ago

I will use serverless function on kunernetes power by openfaas :

tsafacjo commented 8 months ago

I will do it with openfaas a serveless soluton on kubernetes. First in python, then I will move to Go lang.

tsafacjo commented 8 months ago

I will first do hit as cronjob on a docker container in python or go.

Then I wlil try serveless solution like kubeless and opeenfass

I shoud provide some general advice document a way to go document to easy make a choice.

tsafacjo commented 8 months ago

docker registry tutorial

tsafacjo commented 8 months ago

I choose the easiest solution retrieve data from postgres.

I shoudl migrate to retrieve data from easyappoitement api

billmetangmo commented 4 months ago

namendjo commented 1 month ago

Statut ? @billmetangmo

billmetangmo commented 1 month ago

Oui c'est bon @namendjo , je le passe à done