monitoring-plugins / monitoring-plugin-perl

Perl module Monitoring::Plugin - Nagios::Plugin
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Possible modifications to message methods #14

Closed kromg closed 6 years ago

kromg commented 7 years ago

Hi, since message methods are marked as experimental in Monitoring::Plugin documentation, I made my own methods for a plugin I wrote some time ago (not wanting to depend on something which may change without notice). Since I need them now for another plugin, I'm facing the problem of sharing that code between the two scripts, trying to keep around as less extra modules as possible.

Ideally, the best solution would be to integrate those methods into Monitoring::Plugin distribution (if you like the way they work). Is this a possibility we can discuss?

You can find the code I made into:, it's the Monitoring::Plugin::Ens2End package. The package can also keep track of the current status of the check, it's made to handle those checks where the overall exit status is built from many sub-checks.

Thanks, Giacomo

sni commented 7 years ago

I'd say we can remove the "experimental" tag there. It had been there for years now and i see no reason why we would change them.

tejr commented 6 years ago

I use the existing experimental message methods extensively in plugins for work, and would really like to see them labelled as stable, partly so that I can feel confident about distributing them to colleagues or even the internet. Stacking up messages during a run and raising the status of the most severe problem, if any, with a concatenation of all the messages, is something I seem to have to do in at least half of all the plugins I write.

Please excuse the issue necromancy...

sni commented 6 years ago

Pull requests are welcome.