monitoringartist / dockbix-agent-xxl

:whale: Dockerized Zabbix agent with Docker metrics and host metrics support for CoreOS, RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Boot2docker, Photon OS, Amazon Linux, ...
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Mounted filesystem discovery when using dockbix-agent-xxl #54

Open oldunclez opened 4 years ago

oldunclez commented 4 years ago

I am running Zabbix 4.2.4 server , and want to monitor a ubuntu 16.04 host .

How I run dockbix-agent-xxl :

docker run \ --name=dockbix-agent-xxl \ --net=host \ --privileged \ -v /:/rootfs \ -v /var/run:/var/run \ --restart unless-stopped \ -e "ZA_Server=<ZABBIX SERVER IP/DNS NAME/IP_RANGE>" \ -e "ZA_ServerActive=<ZABBIX SERVER IP/DNS NAME>" \ -d monitoringartist/dockbix-agent-xxl-limited:latest

And in the zabbix server web dashboard , I link two templates to this host :

Template App Docker Template OS Linux

After a while , I found the following zabbix items:

Mounted filesystem discovery: Used disk space on /etc/hosts Mounted filesystem discovery: Free inodes on /etc/hostname Mounted filesystem discovery: Total disk space on /rootfs Mounted filesystem discovery: Total disk space on /rootfs/data01 Mounted filesystem discovery: Free disk space on /etc/hosts Mounted filesystem discovery: Total disk space on /etc/resolv.conf Mounted filesystem discovery: Total disk space on /etc/hosts Mounted filesystem discovery: Used disk space on /rootfs Mounted filesystem discovery: Used disk space on /rootfs/data01 Mounted filesystem discovery: Used disk space on /etc/resolv.conf Mounted filesystem discovery: Used disk space on /etc/hostname Mounted filesystem discovery: Total disk space on /etc/hostname

But in fact , there are only two mounted filesystems ( / and /data01) on this ubuntu 16.04 host.

My question is that : What should I do to make Mounted filesystem discovery to / and /data01 ,. Thank you !