monitoringartist / zabbix-docker-monitoring

:whale: Docker/Kubernetes/Mesos/Marathon/Chronos/LXC/LXD/Swarm container monitoring - Docker image, Zabbix template and C module
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zbx_docker_perm() detect failed even AllowRoot is set to 1 #93

Closed miaofenk closed 6 years ago

miaofenk commented 6 years ago


I followed the instructions to set additional permission by set AllowRoot=1 in zabbix_agentd.conf.

But from what I got from log, the permission was not set.

    93:20180402:073715.151 Requested [docker.cstatus[Up]]
    93:20180402:073715.151 In zbx_module_docker_cstatus()
    93:20180402:073715.151 In zbx_docker_api_detect()
    93:20180402:073715.151 In zbx_docker_perm()
    93:20180402:073715.152 Additional permission of Zabbix Agent are not detected - only basic docker metrics are available
    93:20180402:073715.152 Docker's socket API is not avalaible
    93:20180402:073715.152 Sending back [ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED: Docker's socket API is not avalaible]

What else should I do to solve this issue?

Thanks a lot!

jangaraj commented 6 years ago

You should restart zabbix-agent.