Open archine opened 2 years ago
With Apache POI, XSSFWorkbook and XSSFSheet, you can iterate over the pictures using:
Drawing<?> drawingPatriarch = sheet0.getDrawingPatriarch();
List<XSSFPicture> pictures = new ArrayList<>();
for (Shape shape : drawingPatriarch) {
if (shape instanceof XSSFPicture) {
XSSFPicure has XSSFClientAnchor getClientAnchor()
and XSSFClientAnchor has getCol1(), getCol2(), getRow1(), getRow2() - these values will let you know which cells are covered by the picture.
excel-streaming-reader does implement the support for shapes and pictures.
My fork does.
This is a unit test in my fork that demos some of the features.
public void testGetPicturesWithReadShapesEnabled() throws Exception {
try (
InputStream stream = getInputStream("WithDrawing.xlsx");
Workbook workbook = StreamingReader.builder().setReadShapes(true).open(stream)
) {
List<? extends PictureData> pictureList = workbook.getAllPictures();
assertEquals(5, pictureList.size());
for(PictureData picture : pictureList) {
XlsxPictureData xlsxPictureData = (XlsxPictureData)picture;
assertTrue("picture data is not empty", picture.getData().length > 0);
assertArrayEquals(picture.getData(), IOUtils.toByteArray(xlsxPictureData.getInputStream()));
Sheet sheet0 = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
Drawing<?> drawingPatriarch = sheet0.getDrawingPatriarch();
assertNotNull("drawingPatriarch should not be null", drawingPatriarch);
List<XSSFPicture> pictures = new ArrayList<>();
for (Shape shape : drawingPatriarch) {
if (shape instanceof XSSFPicture) {
} else {
//there is one text box and 5 pictures on the sheet
XSSFSimpleShape textBox = (XSSFSimpleShape)shape;
String text = textBox.getText().replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "");
assertEquals("Sheet with various pictures(jpeg, png, wmf, emf and pict)", text);
assertTrue("shape is an XSSFShape", shape instanceof XSSFShape);
assertNotNull("shape has anchor", shape.getAnchor());
assertEquals(5, pictures.size());
Sheet sheet1 = workbook.getSheetAt(1);
assertNull("sheet1 should have no drawing patriarch", sheet1.getDrawingPatriarch());
xlsx-streamer doesn't seem to support reading pictures. When trying to obtain using streamingsheet, the following occurs:
This seems to be a new project
Excuse me, because the poi project cannot mention the inssue, I want to ask you how to deal with the problem that the fill color of the picture cannot be read when the picture of pptx is read through the poi?
How to get cell pictures when importing