monk-afk / SquareOne

Things relating to SquareOne
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[Mod Update] add ignore command to not receive chat messages from marked players #5

Open monk-afk opened 1 month ago

monk-afk commented 1 month ago

Mod(s) Affected

  • Squareone - filterplus

Description of planned update Wanted is a /chat_ignore command to block messages from other players

  • Checklist of planned development

  • [x] mod needs to be reorganized to allow bypass of send_all after adding rank/faction/exp

  • [ ] piggy-back off the online players context table, add a index of players ignored by player

  • [ ] block also private messages

  • [ ] disallow blocking server staff

  • [ ] make sure the player still receives server messages, such as from /warn, welcome message, or reboot notice

  • Other brainstorm ideas

  • [x] ... none so far

Testing Q/A Live environment test

  • [ ] Yes Any unforseen bugs?
  • [ ] No

Deployment Status

  • [x] Not Ready, still planning or stalled
  • [ ] Not Ready, under development
  • [ ] Ready, not uploaded
  • [ ] Ready and uploaded, pending server reboot
  • [ ] Is live on server

After Deployment Any new bugs being reported?

  • [ ] No, Close ticket
  • [ ] Yes, Describe and open new ticket.
> **Anything else to add?**

> **Add Screenshots if needed.**