monkeyboard / Wiegand-Protocol-Library-for-Arduino

Wiegand 26 and Wiegand 34 Protocol Library for Arduino
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is possible LED control? #39

Open joztoz opened 4 years ago

joztoz commented 4 years ago

Hello, my reader have also LED, but I have only one wire, please how I can control color of led? Second wire is marked as a Base, but I dont understand if its tamper or buzzer, I think, there wire marked as LED is for green/red led and buzzer. Please how can i control it? connected to GND or VCC is not doing anything. Thank you

jpliew commented 4 years ago

Hi @joztoz please take a photo of your reader and provide datasheet/specification of the reader. Thanks

joztoz commented 4 years ago

Hello, It is this card and keypad reader:

problem is that its only this one specification on internet. There is one wire (brown) for Led control and for buzzer I think.

jpliew commented 4 years ago

@joztoz attached is the user manual


Looks like you can only control the LED, brown wire.

This reader need to be power up from 12VDC.

Try connect the brown wire to 12VDC. If still not working you might want to get support from your supplier.