monkeyboard / Wiegand-Protocol-Library-for-Arduino

Wiegand 26 and Wiegand 34 Protocol Library for Arduino
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randomly reporting card with "0" code and differnt card lengths #48

Open gshiftlabs-dburke opened 4 years ago

gshiftlabs-dburke commented 4 years ago

I started using the library and it's reporting random card numbers and lengths every once in a while. (randomly)

it usually reports "0" for a card number and various lenghts, but does occasionally give some strange card numbers "4" "5" "ffffff" etc.

all the wires are soldered in with the exception of the cable from the reader..

I'm using an esp32 nodemcu

has anyone seen this before?

jpliew commented 4 years ago

Hi @gshiftlabs-dburke

Looks like noise on the lines or power.

Please check that

Hope this helps.

gshiftlabs-dburke commented 4 years ago

Level converter is being used Voltage to reader is within spec. Using 5V (5V to 16 V supported) all connection are hard-wired and soldered, no dupont cabled used a good quality 5V usb power supply is being used.

jpliew commented 4 years ago

You might need an oscilloscope to view the D0 and D1 wave form.

gshiftlabs-dburke commented 4 years ago

I'll try upping the voltage on the card reader or swapping it out (I have a few I can try)


yesiamthatman commented 3 years ago

I had been following this issue since I had the exact same problem. I'd been using 5V on a HID iClass SE R10 scanner and had been experiencing the "0" and other anomalous scans. I'd tried two different level shifters and switching to a voltage divider circuit, but nothing could quite shake it out. I've since switched to 12V for the scanner, went back to a level shifter, and I was able to get 50 straight scans without issues. So far. Obviously, I'm going to keep testing this thing out, but so far 12V seems to have been rock solid.