monkeyboard / Wiegand-Protocol-Library-for-Arduino

Wiegand 26 and Wiegand 34 Protocol Library for Arduino
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Same card same reader different data #50

Closed AuspeXeu closed 3 years ago

AuspeXeu commented 3 years ago

I am using your library with this card reader. However for the same card it gives me a different output every single time and the type is detected as W34 for some reason. What am I doing wrong?

11:11:07.914 -> Wiegand HEX = 854B50F5, DECIMAL = 2236305653, Type W34
11:11:14.045 -> Wiegand HEX = A1EA42BB, DECIMAL = 2716484283, Type W34
11:11:19.744 -> Wiegand HEX = 41D2953B, DECIMAL = 1104319803, Type W34
11:11:23.110 -> Wiegand HEX = 854B50F5, DECIMAL = 2236305653, Type W34
11:11:28.462 -> Wiegand HEX = A9CA82AB, DECIMAL = 2848621227, Type W34
11:11:31.486 -> Wiegand HEX = 8ACA81AB, DECIMAL = 2328527275, Type W34
11:11:34.393 -> Wiegand HEX = 43455475, DECIMAL = 1128617077, Type W34
jpliew commented 3 years ago

Please check if you are

  1. Providing 12V DC to the card reader
  2. GND of the 12V power supply is connected to the card reader and also to the Arduino
  3. D0 and D1 are connected properly.
  4. What Arduino board are you using? If you are using a 3.3V Arduino, you need a 3.3V to 5V logic level converter

From your data, it looks like noise.

AuspeXeu commented 3 years ago
  1. yes, via an external power supply
  2. I am not sure how this is to be done since I am using an ESP8266 board (like a wemos) which is connected to my laptop via usb
  3. I would think so
  4. This board
jpliew commented 3 years ago

You need a 3.3V to 5V level converter.

ESP8266 IO PIN ----->3.3V------>5V---->D0 of reader ESP8266 IO PIN ----->3.3V------>5V---->D1 of reader ESP8266 GND----->GND of the level conveter--->GND of the READER----> GND of the power supply

AuspeXeu commented 3 years ago

Just for my understanding, is this because inputting 5V into the GPIO will over saturate it?

jpliew commented 3 years ago

Hard to say, it best to get everything right first. ESP8266 is 3.3V component.

From the data, I still think is noise causing it. Ideally you have an oscilloscope that can view the waveform of D0 and D1. This will give you a clearer picture what is causing the issue.

The other thing is the card reader could be faulty, but without a scope, again, hard to say.

AuspeXeu commented 3 years ago

I see. Unfortunately I don't have access to a scope. Can you recommend an alternative to the ESP8266 that might work on 5V?

jpliew commented 3 years ago

If you have an Arduino UNO or Leonardo, you can give it a test, they are all 5V. By doing this you can confirm if the reader is good or bad.

AuspeXeu commented 3 years ago

One thing that I realised I forgot to mention is that the logs coincide with me holding a chip on the reader. Does this change your diagnostics of the problem?

jpliew commented 3 years ago

Holding what chip?

AuspeXeu commented 3 years ago

The rfid chip, sorry

jpliew commented 3 years ago

Maybe you can explain clearer please. What did you actually scanned? Card or RFID chip?

AuspeXeu commented 3 years ago

The output I get in my very first comment coincides with me holding an RFID chip at the reader.

jpliew commented 3 years ago

Hey mate, I am lost.

Could you please answer my previous question, What did you actually scanned? Card or RFID chip?

It is hard to debug your issue unless you can clearly explain in a way that one can "see" what you were doing.

More questions:

If you were scanning RFID chip, did you make it yourself?

If you were scanning RFID chip, have you try scanning a card?

AuspeXeu commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the confusion. I have the following setup right now.

Parts: RFID reader ESP8622 TXS0108E Chips

The RFID reader is connected to a 12V power source. The ESP8622 is connected via USB to my laptop. D0 and D1 of the RFID reader are connected to the B3 and B4 of the TXS0108E. The ESP8622's D1, D2, and GND are connected to the TXS0108E's A3, A4, and GND, respectively.

The ESP8622 is running the following code.

#include <Wiegand.h>


const int pinD0 = 5;
const int pinD1 = 4;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  wg.begin(pinD0, pinD1);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  if(wg.available()) {
    Serial.print("Wiegand HEX = ");
    Serial.print(", DECIMAL = ");
    Serial.print(", Type W");

However I don't get any output via the serial monitor.

jpliew commented 3 years ago

1) Did you supply power to VA and VB of TXS0108E ? VB is the READER side, should be 5V. VA is the ESP side, should be 3.3V

2) When you order the RFID, which version did you pay for ? KR601 IC or KR601 ID ?

AuspeXeu commented 3 years ago
  1. I have no power supply connected to the TXS0108E the reader consumes 12V and I don't have a steady 5V stream available.
  2. KR601 IC (whats the difference?)
jpliew commented 3 years ago

1) TXS0108E need power to operate. Without power it will not work VB is the READER side, should connect to 5V VA is the ESP side, should connect to 3.3V

2) KR601 IC is W34 with 13.56Mhz KR601 ID is W26 with 125Khz

AuspeXeu commented 3 years ago

I ordered an Arduino UNO now and connected as you specified.

D0 of reader > D2 of arduino D1 of reader > D3 of arduino external power supply VCC and ground > reader

And I flashed this program on the arduino

#include <Wiegand.h>


const int pinD0 = 2;
const int pinD1 = 3;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  wg.begin(pinD0, pinD1);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  if(wg.available()) {
    Serial.print("Wiegand HEX = ");
    Serial.print(", DECIMAL = ");
    Serial.print(", Type W");

However I don't get anything printed on the serial monitor....

jpliew commented 3 years ago

Hi, can you please take a photo of your setup?

From your description, you are missing GND of the READER to GND of the Arduino. Please see image

AuspeXeu commented 3 years ago

This solved my issue. Much appreciate you taking the time to help me. Even the ESP8266 works now.

Wuckel01 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I have a strange effect. I also have a KR601 IC is W34 with 13.56Mhz reader I connected it with a signal converter and the UID is reversed. If I use a certified USB card reader, the UID is 1A:1A:16:1A I neme KR601IC reader comes out HEX = 1A161A1A there is a solution

jpliew commented 2 years ago

Hi @Wuckel01 this issue has closed. If you need to file an issue, you should create a new one.

From your description, unfortunately your reader is providing the bytes in a reversed order. This is not a problem, it is just the way the reader present the data. This is not the problem of this library either.

All you need to do is to swap the bytes from the result following suggestions from here

or alternatively, if you don't wish to do the above, you can use the USB reader read the UID and then reverse it manually and save the reversed UID into your Arduino sketch. Therefore when you compare you will get the same result.

Wuckel01 commented 2 years ago

Hello Many thanks for the super fast reply that really helped. if someone has the same problem, what works great for me.

`#include WIEGAND wg;

const int pinD0 = 3; const int pinD1 = 2; long unsigned num = ""; long unsigned swapped = ""; int i = 0;

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); wg.begin(pinD0, pinD1); } void loop() { if(wg.available()) { num = wg.getCode(); swapped = ((num>>24)&0xff) | // move byte 3 to byte 0 ((num<<8)&0xff0000) | // move byte 1 to byte 2 ((num>>8)&0xff00) | // move byte 2 to byte 1 ((num<<24)&0xff000000); // byte 0 to byte 3

Serial.print("Wiegand HEX = ");
Serial.print(", DECIMAL = ");
Serial.print(", Type W");

} ` not surprised that the code is not fixed in the code, but I tried it with 3 browsers but the code is always displayed as a fixed one