monkeyboard / Wiegand-Protocol-Library-for-Arduino

Wiegand 26 and Wiegand 34 Protocol Library for Arduino
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Is it possible to read card ID and memory? #64

Closed mrNo0b closed 1 year ago

mrNo0b commented 1 year ago

I use this library, everything works fine, but I would also like to read data that I write to the cards/tags. Is it even possible with WG? Do I have to buy specific WG RFID reader or everyone can read memory? I don't know much about Wiegand protocol and RFID that why I ask,,,

jpliew commented 1 year ago

Hi @mrNo0b

The Wiegand RFID reader will only output the card ID.

To read data written into user area, you need RFID reader like this


mrNo0b commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the info!

I use this: wgrfid

I also have MFRC522 but the problem is that this board is not exactly "production ready" I will need some case for it and it requires too many wires instead of D0 and D1...😢