monkeymademe / picamera2-WebUI

This is a VERY basic WebUI for the Picamera2 Library for the Raspberry Pi
MIT License
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On Server boot load default camera settings not the saved settings #5

Closed monkeymademe closed 5 months ago

monkeymademe commented 5 months ago

When the server is loaded currently its configuring the UI with the last saved settings. This is not a bad thing until you start fussing with different cameras with different default values. Its best to load the UI with the default camera settings then have a button to load the saved settings and maybe do something like:

if saved setting is out of range of the min and max value from the camera settings then set to the nearest min or max default value.

Make this more readable

If lensPosistion is saved to 32 but camera has lensPosistion: (0,20,0) - which is min, max, default... then instead of setting lensPosistion to 32... set it to 20 instead.

monkeymademe commented 5 months ago

This is done