monkeyswarm / MobMuPlat

MobMuPlat is an iOS & Android app to host PureData patches with custom visual interfaces and hardware access.
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Micro & Bluetooth #74

Open bornhoeft opened 3 years ago

bornhoeft commented 3 years ago

Is there any possibility to use a microphone (internal or external) as audio input and route the output via bluetooth to a speaker? Achim

monkeyswarm commented 3 years ago

This should already be possible in the Audio settings. For Android, it will detect additional inputs/outputs (but will just select one based on OS output precedence, there's is no user selection). For iOS, if you flip the 'override audio input' switch, it should route the audio to BT speakers. However, it shuts off the audio input to do so (I believe it expects a BT audio input?). I'm not sure if there is a way to use phone mic input and BT output, but I'll leave this open. I haven't touched this in a long time, so there may be improved APIs to support this.