monniert / docExtractor

(ICFHR 2020 oral) Code for "docExtractor: An off-the-shelf historical document element extraction" paper
MIT License
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conda conflicts #21

Closed RealNicolasBourbaki closed 1 year ago

RealNicolasBourbaki commented 1 year ago

Hi guys,

I really like your work and want to use it in my project. But a big problem I have right now is the conda environment... I tried to setup the environment with your environment.yml but I got a HUGE BUNCH of package conflicts.

Is there anything I'm missing? Or the environment is indeed inconsistent and I can just do it with pip while ignoring all the conflicts?

I'm using Anaconda 4.7.10

Thanks for your time!

Greetings from Germany, Nicole

RealNicolasBourbaki commented 1 year ago

Nevermind, I was using Windows, that's why.

Switched to Linus like any ML scientist would do and no problem exists whatsoever! Thanks again!

monniert commented 1 year ago

Hi Nicole, thanks for reaching out and happy it was resolved easily! Don't hesitate to reach out if you run into any other trouble Tom