monniert / docExtractor

(ICFHR 2020 oral) Code for "docExtractor: An off-the-shelf historical document element extraction" paper
MIT License
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[donate] include FUNDING.yml to accept donations #7

Closed seekingdeep closed 3 years ago

seekingdeep commented 3 years ago

This project seems interesting, and in-order to insure the continuity of development and improvement i would suggest adding a FUNDING.yml so that you can accept donations.

My main interest in this project:

Does these suggestions align with the goal of this project? Do you accept donations?

monniert commented 3 years ago

Thanks I will consider it! Outputing a json with the region coordinates and class is clearly a good feature, I will try to code it when I have some time. I think the other suggestions are not as useful / have lower priority, so if really necessary, I will look at it once I finish my undergoing other projects