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Lot of functions ignored #1706

Open hellozyemlya opened 1 year ago

hellozyemlya commented 1 year ago
Brief Description

I am trying to build bindings for SimpleBLE library( But function like are ignored completely. If I replace signature to std::vection, it is ignored as well. Probably lot of others functions ignored as well.

Used settings
      driver.Options.GenerateClassTemplates = true;
      driver.Options.GenerateFunctionTemplates = true;

      var options = driver.Options;
      options.Verbose = true;
      options.OutputDir = "Bindings";
      options.GeneratorKind = GeneratorKind.CSharp;
      options.Compilation.Platform = TargetPlatform.Windows;

      var module = options.AddModule(nameof(SimpleBLE));

      var parserOptions = driver.ParserOptions;
      parserOptions.LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CPP17;
      parserOptions.Verbose = true;
Verbose output
Parsing libraries...
Parsing code...
Compiler argument: -xc++
Compiler argument: -std=c++17
Compiler argument: -fno-rtti
Compiler argument: -fms-extensions
Compiler argument: -fms-compatibility
Compiler argument: -fdelayed-template-parsing
Target triple: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
ignoring nonexistent directory "D:\dev\main\SimpleBLE\build\export\simplble"
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.33.31629\include
 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.33.31629\atlmfc\include
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.22000.0\ucrt
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.22000.0\shared
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.22000.0\um
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.22000.0\winrt
End of search list.
Parsed 'SimpleBLE.h'
D:\dev\main\SimpleBLE\simpleble\include\simpleble\SimpleBLE.h(2,9): warning: 'SIMPLEBLE_EXPORT' macro redefined
Processing code...
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.ResolveIncompleteDeclsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.IgnoreSystemDeclarationsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.MatchParamNamesWithInstantiatedFromPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.EqualiseAccessOfOverrideAndBasePass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.FlattenAnonymousTypesToFields'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckIgnoredDeclsPass'
    Decl '_Alty' was ignored due to invalid access
    Decl '_Scary_val' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_String_val::_Bx' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>::_Bxty'
    Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field 'basic_string::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<char>, ::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>, 1>'
    Decl '_Mystorage' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
    Decl '_Mystorage' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
    Field 'Peripheral::internal_' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::PeripheralBase>'
    Field 'Service::internal_' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::ServiceBase>'
    Field 'Characteristic::internal_' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::CharacteristicBase>'
    Field 'Descriptor::internal_' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::DescriptorBase>'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>::pointer'
    Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>, 1>'
    Function 'descriptors' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>::pointer'
    Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<void*>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>, 1>'
    Function 'capabilities' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>::pointer'
    Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>, 1>'
    Function 'characteristics' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>::pointer'
    Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Service>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>, 1>'
    Function 'services' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
    Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
    Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
    Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>::value_type'
    Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>::_Nodeptr'
    Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<unsigned short>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_
Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>, 1>, 1>'
    Function 'manufacturer_data' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'notify' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'indicate' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_connected' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_disconnected' was ignored due to ignored param
    Decl '_Mystorage' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<void*>::'
    Function 'identifier' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'address' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type ''
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::SimpleBLE::BluetoothAddressType, 1>::'
    Function 'address_type' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<short, 1>::'
    Function 'rssi' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'tx_power' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<unsigned short, 1>::'
    Function 'mtu' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<bool, 1>::'
    Function 'is_connected' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'is_connectable' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'is_paired' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Service, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Service>>'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Service, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Service>>>::'
    Function 'services' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<unsigned short, void*, ::std::less<unsigned short>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::std::map<unsigned short, void*, ::std::less<unsigned short>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>>::'
    Function 'manufacturer_data' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'read' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'notify' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'indicate' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'read' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'set_callback_on_connected' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_disconnected' was ignored due to ignored param
    Decl '_Mystorage' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
    Decl '_Mystorage' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class::_Storage'
    Decl '_Data' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field 'exception::_Data' was ignored due to ignored type '::__std_exception_data'
    Decl '_Data' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field 'type_info::_Data' was ignored due to ignored type '::__std_type_info_data'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsign
ed short, void*>>>, 1>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>'
    Field 'Adapter::internal_' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::AdapterBase>'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>, 1>'
    Function 'scan_get_results' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_start' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_stop' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_updated' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_found' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'get_paired_peripherals' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Adapter*>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Adapter*>>, 1>'
    Function 'get_adapters' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Adapter*>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>'
    Function 'identifier' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'address' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'scan_is_active' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>, 1>'
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>>::'
    Function 'scan_get_results' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_start' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_stop' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_updated' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_found' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'get_paired_peripherals' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>::pointer'
    Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>, 1>'
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>>::'
    Function 'get_adapters' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>'
    Decl '_Ptr' was ignored due to invalid access
    Decl '_Rep' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Decl '_Ptr' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::DescriptorBase>::element_type*'
    Decl '_Rep' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Decl '_Ptr' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::CharacteristicBase>::element_type*'
    Decl '_Rep' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Decl '_Ptr' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::ServiceBase>::element_type*'
    Decl '_Rep' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Decl '_Ptr' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::PeripheralBase>::element_type*'
    Decl '_Rep' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Decl '_Ptr' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::AdapterBase>::element_type*'
    Decl '_Rep' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Decl '_Uses' was ignored due to invalid access
    Decl '_Weaks' was ignored due to invalid access
    Function '_Get_deleter' was ignored due to ignored param
    Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type ''
    Decl '_Alty' was ignored due to invalid access
    Decl '_Alty_traits' was ignored due to invalid access
    Decl '_Scary_val' was ignored due to invalid access
    Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field 'basic_string::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type ''
    Field '_String_val::_Bx' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_String_val::_Bxty'
    Copy constructor 'SimpleBLE::Exception::BaseException::BaseException' was ignored due to implicitly deleted base copy constructor 'runtime_error'
    Decl '_Mypair' was ignored due to invalid access
    Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type ''
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base::'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.MarkUsedClassInternalsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.TrimSpecializationsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckAmbiguousFunctions'
    Found ambiguous overload: SimpleBLE::Exception::BaseException::operator=
    Found ambiguous overload: SimpleBLE::Exception::NotInitialized::operator=
    Found ambiguous overload: SimpleBLE::Exception::NotConnected::operator=
    Found ambiguous overload: SimpleBLE::Exception::InvalidReference::operator=
    Found ambiguous overload: SimpleBLE::Exception::ServiceNotFound::operator=
    Found ambiguous overload: SimpleBLE::Exception::CharacteristicNotFound::operator=
    Found ambiguous overload: SimpleBLE::Exception::DescriptorNotFound::operator=
    Found ambiguous overload: SimpleBLE::Exception::OperationNotSupported::operator=
    Found ambiguous overload: SimpleBLE::Exception::OperationFailed::operator=
    Found ambiguous overload: SimpleBLE::Exception::WinRTException::operator=
    Found ambiguous overload: SimpleBLE::Exception::CoreBluetoothException::operator=
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.GenerateSymbolsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckIgnoredDeclsPass'
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class::_Storage'
    Field '_String_val::_Bx' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>::_Bxty'
    Field 'basic_string::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<char>, ::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>, 1>'
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
    Field 'Peripheral::internal_' was ignored due to internal type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::PeripheralBase>'
    Field 'Service::internal_' was ignored due to internal type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::ServiceBase>'
    Field 'Characteristic::internal_' was ignored due to internal type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::CharacteristicBase>'
    Field 'Descriptor::internal_' was ignored due to internal type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::DescriptorBase>'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>, 1>'
    Function 'descriptors' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<void*>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>, 1>'
    Function 'capabilities' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>, 1>'
    Function 'characteristics' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Service>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>, 1>'
    Function 'services' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
    Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
    Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
    Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>::value_type'
    Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>::_Nodeptr'
    Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<unsigned short>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_
Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>, 1>, 1>'
    Function 'manufacturer_data' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'notify' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'indicate' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_connected' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_disconnected' was ignored due to ignored param
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<void*>::'
    Function 'identifier' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'address' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type ''
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::SimpleBLE::BluetoothAddressType, 1>::'
    Function 'address_type' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<short, 1>::'
    Function 'rssi' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'tx_power' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<unsigned short, 1>::'
    Function 'mtu' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<bool, 1>::'
    Function 'is_connected' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'is_connectable' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'is_paired' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Service, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Service>>'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Service, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Service>>>::'
    Function 'services' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<unsigned short, void*, ::std::less<unsigned short>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::std::map<unsigned short, void*, ::std::less<unsigned short>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>>::'
    Function 'manufacturer_data' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'read' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'notify' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'indicate' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'read' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'set_callback_on_connected' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_disconnected' was ignored due to ignored param
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
    Field 'exception::_Data' was ignored due to internal type '::__std_exception_data'
    Field 'type_info::_Data' was ignored due to ignored type '::__std_type_info_data'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsign
ed short, void*>>>, 1>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>'
    Field 'Adapter::internal_' was ignored due to internal type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::AdapterBase>'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>, 1>'
    Function 'scan_get_results' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_start' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_stop' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_updated' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_found' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'get_paired_peripherals' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Adapter*>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Adapter*>>, 1>'
    Function 'get_adapters' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Adapter*>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>'
    Function 'identifier' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'address' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'scan_is_active' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>, 1>'
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>>::'
    Function 'scan_get_results' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_start' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_stop' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_updated' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_found' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'get_paired_peripherals' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>, 1>'
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>>::'
    Function 'get_adapters' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::DescriptorBase>::element_type*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::CharacteristicBase>::element_type*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::ServiceBase>::element_type*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::PeripheralBase>::element_type*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::AdapterBase>::element_type*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Function '_Get_deleter' was ignored due to ignored param
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
    Field 'basic_string::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
    Field '_String_val::_Bx' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val::_Bxty'
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Copy constructor 'SimpleBLE::Exception::BaseException::BaseException' was ignored due to implicitly deleted base copy constructor 'runtime_error'
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
    Field '::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base::'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.MoveFunctionToClassPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.ValidateOperatorsPass'
    Invalid operator overload BaseException::Equal
    Invalid operator overload NotInitialized::Equal
    Invalid operator overload NotConnected::Equal
    Invalid operator overload InvalidReference::Equal
    Invalid operator overload ServiceNotFound::Equal
    Invalid operator overload CharacteristicNotFound::Equal
    Invalid operator overload DescriptorNotFound::Equal
    Invalid operator overload OperationNotSupported::Equal
    Invalid operator overload OperationFailed::Equal
    Invalid operator overload WinRTException::Equal
    Invalid operator overload CoreBluetoothException::Equal
    Invalid operator overload Descriptor::Equal
    Invalid operator overload Characteristic::Equal
    Invalid operator overload Service::Equal
    Invalid operator overload Peripheral::Equal
    Invalid operator overload Adapter::Equal
    Invalid operator overload Peripheral::Equal
    Invalid operator overload Adapter::Equal
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.FindSymbolsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckMacroPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckStaticClass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckAmbiguousFunctions'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.ConstructorToConversionOperatorPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.MarshalPrimitivePointersAsRefTypePass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckOperatorsOverloadsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckVirtualOverrideReturnCovariance'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CleanCommentsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckAbiParameters'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CleanInvalidDeclNamesPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.FastDelegateToDelegatesPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.FieldToPropertyPass'
    Property created from field: std::_Func_class::_Storage::___Dummy1
    Property created from field: std::_Func_class::_Storage::___Dummy2
    Property created from field: std::_Func_class::_Storage::___Ptrs
    Property created from field: std::_String_val::_Bxty::___Buf
    Property created from field: std::_String_val::_Bxty::___Ptr
    Property created from field: std::_String_val::_Bxty::___Alias
    Property created from field: std::_String_val<global::std._Simple_types<sbyte>>::_Bxty::___Buf
    Property created from field: std::_String_val<global::std._Simple_types<sbyte>>::_Bxty::___Ptr
    Property created from field: std::_String_val<global::std._Simple_types<sbyte>>::_Bxty::___Alias
    Property created from field: std::_Optional_destruct_base::_0::___Dummy
    Property created from field: std::_Optional_destruct_base::_0::___Value
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckIgnoredDeclsPass'
    Property '_Dummy1' was ignored due to ignored decl
    Property '_Dummy2' was ignored due to ignored decl
    Property '_Ptrs' was ignored due to ignored decl
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class::_Storage'
    Property '_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type
    Field '_String_val::_Bx' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>::_Bxty'
    Field 'basic_string::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<char>, ::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>, 1>'
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
    Field 'Peripheral::internal_' was ignored due to internal type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::PeripheralBase>'
    Function 'services' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'manufacturer_data' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'notify' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'indicate' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_connected' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_disconnected' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
    Function 'identifier' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'address' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'address_type' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'rssi' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'tx_power' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'mtu' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'is_connected' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'is_connectable' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'is_paired' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'services' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'manufacturer_data' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'read' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'notify' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'indicate' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'read' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'set_callback_on_connected' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_disconnected' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Field '_Func_class::_Mystorage' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Func_class<void>::_Storage'
    Field 'exception::_Data' was ignored due to internal type '::__std_exception_data'
    Field 'type_info::_Data' was ignored due to ignored type '::__std_type_info_data'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val<::std::_Simple_types<char>>'
    Field 'Descriptor::internal_' was ignored due to internal type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::DescriptorBase>'
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>'
    Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>'
    Field 'Characteristic::internal_' was ignored due to internal type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::CharacteristicBase>'
    Function 'descriptors' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'capabilities' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>'
    Field 'Service::internal_' was ignored due to internal type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::ServiceBase>'
    Function 'characteristics' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>'
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsign
ed short, void*>>>, 1>'
    Field '_Tree_node::_Left' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
    Field '_Tree_node::_Parent' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
    Field '_Tree_node::_Right' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>::_Nodeptr'
    Field '_Tree_node::_Myval' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>::value_type'
    Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>'
    Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>'
    Field 'Adapter::internal_' was ignored due to internal type '::std::shared_ptr<::SimpleBLE::AdapterBase>'
    Function 'scan_get_results' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_start' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_stop' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_updated' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_found' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'get_paired_peripherals' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'get_adapters' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Adapter*>>'
    Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>'
    Function 'identifier' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'address' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'scan_is_active' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'scan_get_results' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_start' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_stop' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_updated' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'set_callback_on_scan_found' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'get_paired_peripherals' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'get_adapters' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field '_Compressed_pair::_Myval2' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::DescriptorBase>::element_type*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::CharacteristicBase>::element_type*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::ServiceBase>::element_type*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::PeripheralBase>::element_type*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ptr_base<::SimpleBLE::AdapterBase>::element_type*'
    Field '_Ptr_base::_Rep' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Ref_count_base*'
    Function '_Get_deleter' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'allocator' was ignored due to ignored return decl
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Descriptor>>, 1>'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<void*>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<void*>>, 1>'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Characteristic>>, 1>'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Service>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Service>>, 1>'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Peripheral>>, 1>'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Adapter*>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Adapter*>>, 1>'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>, 1>'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myfirst' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Mylast' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>::pointer'
    Field '_Vector_val::_Myend' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>::pointer'
    Field 'vector::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>, ::std::_Vector_val<::std::_Simple_types<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>, 1>'
    Field 'basic_string::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
    Property '_Ptr' was ignored due to ignored type
    Field '_String_val::_Bx' was ignored due to internal type '::std::_String_val::_Bxty'
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Copy constructor 'SimpleBLE::Exception::BaseException::BaseException' was ignored due to implicitly deleted base copy constructor 'runtime_error'
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Function 'operator=' was ignored due to ignored param
    Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to internal type ''
    Field '_Tree_val::_Myhead' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Tree_val<::std::_Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>::_Nodeptr'
    Field '_Tree::_Mypair' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::less<unsigned short>, ::std::_Compressed_pair<::std::allocator<::std::_Tree_node<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>, void*>>, ::std::_Tree_val<::std::_
Tree_simple_types<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>, 1>, 1>'
    Field '_0::___Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Property '_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored decl
    Property '_Value' was ignored due to ignored decl
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::_0' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base::'
    Field '_0::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::_0' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<void*>::'
    Field '_0::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_0::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type ''
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::_0' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::SimpleBLE::BluetoothAddressType, 1>::'
    Field '_0::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::_0' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<short, 1>::'
    Field '_0::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::_0' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<unsigned short, 1>::'
    Field '_0::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::_0' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<bool, 1>::'
    Field '_0::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_0::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Service, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Service>>'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::_0' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Service, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Service>>>::'
    Field '_0::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_0::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::map<unsigned short, void*, ::std::less<unsigned short>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::_0' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::std::map<unsigned short, void*, ::std::less<unsigned short>, ::std::allocator<::std::pair<const unsigned short, void*>>>>::'
    Field '_0::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_0::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::_0' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Peripheral>>>::'
    Field '_0::_Dummy' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Nontrivial_dummy_type'
    Field '_0::_Value' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>'
    Field '_Optional_destruct_base::_0' was ignored due to ignored type '::std::_Optional_destruct_base<::std::vector<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter, ::std::allocator<::SimpleBLE::Safe::Adapter>>>::'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckFlagEnumsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.MakeProtectedNestedTypesPublicPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.GenerateAbstractImplementationsPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.MultipleInheritancePass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.DelegatesPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.GetterSetterToPropertyPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.StripUnusedSystemTypesPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.SpecializationMethodsWithDependentPointersPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.ParamTypeToInterfacePass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckDuplicatedNamesPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CaseRenamePass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.CheckKeywordNamesPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.Passes.HandleVariableInitializerPass'
Pass 'CppSharp.MarkEventsWithUniqueIdPass'
Generating code...
Generated 'Std.cs'
Generated 'SimpleBLE.cs'
vadimkantorov commented 2 months ago

Also stumbled on std::shared_ptr not suppported: