mono / Embeddinator-4000

Tools to turn .NET libraries into native libraries that can be consumed on Android, iOS, Mac, Linux and other platforms.
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No corresponding member object or method can be called after compilation #753

Closed ezraShenglei closed 4 years ago

ezraShenglei commented 4 years ago

Steps to Reproduce

1.My code

public class MyUIView : UITextView
    public string testValue;
    public MyUIView()
        Text = "Hello from C# 15:05";
    public void test() {
        Text = "test run";
    public string getTestValue(){
        return testValue;

2.objcgen /Users/wushenglei/Projects/hello-from-csharp/hello-from-csharp/bin/Debug/hello_from_csharp.dll --target=framework --platform=iOS --outdir=output -c --debug

Expected Behavior

Can use MyUIView member objects and methods in ViewController.m file in Xcode

Actual Behavior

TestValue and test functions not found


OSX 10.14.6 embeddinator-4000 0.40 Visual Studio for Mac 8.4 build 2653

Build Logs

Example Project (If Possible)

chamons commented 4 years ago

Can you please post the full build log, preferably with the project zipped up as well.

ezraShenglei commented 4 years ago

Can you please post the full build log, preferably with the project zipped up as well.

ezraShenglei commented 4 years ago

Can you please post the full build log, preferably with the project zipped up as well. another example: My code: namespace hello_new_csharp {      public class Class1      {          public String text;          public Class1 ()          {              text = "Class1 C #";          }

     } } objcgen /Users/wushenglei/Projects/hello-new-csharp/hello-new-csharp/bin/Debug/hello_new_csharp.dll --target = framework --platform = iOS --outdir = output -c --debug

Error log after using this command

error MT2002: Failed to resolve assembly: 'System.Drawing.Common, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'


OSX 10.14.6 embeddinator-4000 0.40 Visual Studio for Mac 8.4 build 2653 Xamarin.iOS Version: (Visual Studio Community) .NET Core SDK 3.1.100

chamons commented 4 years ago

The embeddinator tool assumes that all requires assemblies are next to the library in question.

If you do something like cp /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/mono/4.5/System.Drawing.dll . next to the library it binds.