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Xcode > project > TARGETS > is missing "Embedded Binaries" section in my HELLO WORLD example #769

Closed dbell-movano closed 4 years ago

dbell-movano commented 4 years ago

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Follow the MICROSOFT > DOCS > Getting started with iOS > hello-from-csharp C# example
  2. In the Embedded Binary section, add hello-from-csharp.framework.

Bug I can't because "Embedded Binary section" is not there.

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior


MAC OS 10.14.6 XCODE 11.3.1 objcgen as of 3-24-2020

Build Logs

Example Project (If Possible)

chamons commented 4 years ago

Please provide a link to the documentation in question, are you talking about

dbell-movano commented 4 years ago

I learned on StackOverflow that "Embedded Binaries" section of project General tab is obsolete and replaced by "Frameworks, Libs, and Embedded Content, and hello_from_csharp.framework was added to this automatically.