mono / SkiaSharp

SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library. It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop models to render images.
MIT License
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[ISSUE] The referenced component 'C:\Users\USERNAME\.nuget\packages\skiasharp\2.80.3\buildTransitive\xamarinios1.0\..\..\build\xamarinios1.0\libSkiaSharp.framework' could not be found. #1886

Closed Auto72 closed 1 month ago

Auto72 commented 2 years ago


I'm trying to compile my Xamarin Forms project with Visual Studio 2022 and I'm getting the following error:

The referenced component 'C:\Users\USERNAME.nuget\packages\skiasharp\2.80.3\buildTransitive\xamarinios1.0....\build\xamarinios1.0\libSkiaSharp.framework' could not be found.


It seems a problem related to the NuGet package or reference, not a code problem.

Expected Behavior

No warning and able to compile and run the application.

Actual Behavior

Warning and the application does't run.

Basic Information

I use Visual Studio 2022 now. Before I had Visual Studio 2019 and I used to get this warning every time I compiled, but at that time I found an entry in the reference of the iOS project with yellow exclamation mark, and I was able to delete it and recompile. Now, in Visual Studio 2022 I don't see this entry in the reference and I can't compile.

Screenshots 2 3 4

Reproduction Link

ldl01031 commented 2 years ago

I'm having this exact problem. Is there a solution?

Auto72 commented 2 years ago

I still having this issue and I am not aware of any fix or workaround.

The referenced component 'C:\Users\USERNAME.nuget\packages\skiasharp\2.80.3\buildTransitive\xamarinios1.0....\build\xamarinios1.0\libSkiaSharp.framework' could not be found.

Edgar-Develop commented 1 year ago

Hi, Anyone with the solution?

djcsavoy commented 1 year ago

We had a very similar problem today - as it happened, removing all the skia package folders from C:\Users\.nuget\packages and doing a full rebuild in VS resolved it. Random guess: Somehow the native ios package had been corrupted, maybe when it was initially downloaded?

mattleibow commented 1 month ago

The OP issue was probably a corrupted nuget download. Closing this for now, feel free to open a new issue if it returns.