monocongo / climate_indices

Climate indices for drought monitoring
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--save_params / --load_params options not available #439

Open JulianGiles opened 3 years ago

JulianGiles commented 3 years ago

When trying to use the --save_params / --load_params options they are not available, I get the following error:

usage: process_climate_indices [-h] --index
                               --periodicity {monthly,daily}
                               [--scales [SCALES [SCALES ...]]]
                               [--calibration_start_year CALIBRATION_START_YEAR]
                               [--calibration_end_year CALIBRATION_END_YEAR]
                               [--netcdf_precip NETCDF_PRECIP]
                               [--var_name_precip VAR_NAME_PRECIP]
                               [--netcdf_temp NETCDF_TEMP]
                               [--var_name_temp VAR_NAME_TEMP]
                               [--netcdf_pet NETCDF_PET]
                               [--var_name_pet VAR_NAME_PET]
                               [--netcdf_awc NETCDF_AWC]
                               [--var_name_awc VAR_NAME_AWC]
                               --output_file_base OUTPUT_FILE_BASE
                               [--multiprocessing {single,all_but_one,all}]
process_climate_indices: error: unrecognized arguments: --save_params
monocongo commented 3 years ago

It looks like this feature is included in the script.

Hopefully, this may at least steer you in the right direction until we can get this code rolled into the main processing script (or we can modify the documentation to reflect the actual state of affairs, probably a simpler solution for now).

monocongo commented 3 years ago

Possibly related to #447

JulianGiles commented 3 years ago

I have coded the --save_params / --load_params options into Now these options are working for SPI and SPEI and they take a base file name to save or load a file of fitting parameters for each index (SPI or SPEI), distribution (gamma or pearson) and scale combination. For example, the code:

process_climate_indices --index scaled --periodicity monthly --scales 12 --netcdf_precip --var_name_precip var62 --netcdf_pet --var_name_pet pet_thornthwaite --output_file_base INDEX --save_params INDEX2

Generates the following files:

Then, you can run another calculation calling the option --load_params INDEX2 and it will look for the files with the fitting parameters that start with INDEX2 and use them to fit the new indices.


You can check it out here:

monocongo commented 3 years ago

@JulianGiles This is excellent work, thanks a lot for this contribution!

I think generalizing this to also cover non-gridded datasets such as climate divisions won't be too much extra work, but that's easy for me to say now, let's see.

xyliu6666 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am using climate-indices 1.0.9 and facing the same problem. I also tried to install the package from but the problem remained. The error information I get is the same, "process_climate_indices: error: unrecognized arguments: --save_params ../results/". This package is brilliant but I really need to store the parameters and use for another dataset. Hope anyone can help! Thanks!

JulianGiles commented 2 years ago

Hi @xyliu6666, you have to install the "issue_439_save_params" branch of my forked code, and not the main branch. Could you check that and try again? it should work.

xyliu6666 commented 2 years ago

@JulianGiles Thank you for your response! I tried but it resulted in: "fatal: repository '' not found". It is a strange error if my command is correct: "pip install -e git+"

JulianGiles commented 2 years ago

@xyliu6666 I just tried your command and it worked for me. Then I tried again and it did not. I do not understand what is happening but maybe just keep trying.

You can also try: pip install -e git+

(it has an @ instead of /tree/)

xyliu6666 commented 2 years ago

@JulianGiles Sure, thank you!