monokai-pro / vscode

Issue tracking for Monokai Pro for Visual Studio Code
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Any plans for `light` color scheme? #9

Closed kwonoj closed 3 weeks ago

kwonoj commented 7 years ago

I am super interested to purchase but I use light theme in general, so bit hesitate to do so. Just curious if there's plan for it.

bpasero commented 7 years ago

I would also like to see a light theme. Good work btw, impressive theme 👍

ghost commented 7 years ago

+1 for a light theme.

Monokai commented 7 years ago

I have tried, but wasn't happy with the results yet. I will try again if there are more thumbs up.

cy-by commented 6 years ago

+1 for a light theme. I'm currently using Monokai Light Theme in the mean time.

I need a light theme for when I present code on a tv or projector. I use the normal Monokai Pro theme for day to day coding.

hrvoj3e commented 6 years ago

+1 for Light variations

fmt-Println-MKO commented 6 years ago

maybe a mix of monokai and solarized light.

I prefer the different colors of monokai, but on the other hand for solarized light colors are not stressing the eyes. Thats maybe why a monokai colors on the solarized light background could be the best of both.

mrmurphy commented 6 years ago

I paid for the dark version, and I'd probably pay again for a light version. I sit near windows now in the office, and it's harder to see the screen with the dark colors during the day.

sgarcia-dev commented 6 years ago

Any possible follow up this @Monokai ? 😄

100% what @splodingsocks said, I also sit near very bright windows and while I vastly prefer Dark overall in most scenarios, even on my bright monitors, dark themes are impossible to read, which make me settle for usually mediocre looking light themes. If someone can make an incredible Light theme, it's probably you 💪

lednhatkhanh commented 6 years ago

Just bought this theme, amazing work so far!! I also would like to see a light variant for this!

blaflamme commented 5 years ago

Any follow up on this topic? There's a huge need for a good looking and well crafted light theme and I think it could be the one !

hsiktas commented 4 years ago

VSCode 1.42 now has a nice feature where it can follow the light/dark theme from the OS. It would be great to have a light variant of Monokai Pro so that we can let it change during the day according to sunrise/sunset.

alexylon commented 4 years ago

When I work during the day I use light theme as I sit near big windows. It would be much better solution if the light theme matches the design of the dark one. In this way the product would be all around. This gorgeous themes deserves to be complete.

we3geeks commented 4 years ago

+1 for a light version

pkazmier commented 4 years ago

Agreed, a light version would be awesome as well. This is, by far, my favorite VSCode theme. The author, obviously, has great taste in design. I would love to see his/her take on a light version as well for the reasons stated by others above.

vbasky commented 4 years ago

Any plans for the light version ? I have licenses for both Sublime and VSCode and I would like to use Monokai Pro as default on both, wish it has light theme to sync along with OS theme

faeb5 commented 4 years ago

I recently bought the VS-Code license and I'm very happy with it, though I would also wish that there was a light version of this theme for daylight usage.

mtin79 commented 3 years ago

+1 for light theme

viktor-yakubiv commented 3 years ago

I support the idea of the light theme and colour scheme along with other commenters of this issue 👍

I came here from Sublime Text community. Since Sublime Text 4 introduced automatic theme switching depending on the system settings I started being curious if it possible to have favourite theme with light colours.

I share the struggles @Monokai had trying to adapt the colour scheme to the light mode. It's quite difficult to make the theme look as pleasant to the eye as the dark one is. Also, there are different accents which have to be ported too. I tried darkening colours with Eva Colour Tool and theme overrides also introduced in the Sublime Text 4. Here is my result:

Monokai Pro with light colours

I found, slightly darken yellowish background from the website look peaceful, makes other colours sharper a bit. However, the colour scheme is full of yellow which is perhaps impossible to look good and clean on light background and being legible in the same time.

Here is my replacement map if this helps anybody:

red:    #ff6188 -> #b7306c
orange: #fc9867 -> #d8704b
yellow: #ffd866 -> #dbb24a
green:  #a9dc76 -> #639e3b
blue:   #78dce8 -> #3c8aa7
purple: #ab9df2 -> #5b4fae

background:         #2d2a2e -> #fbf5e8
foreground:         #fcfcfa -> #2c292d
selection:          #403e41 -> #f3ead3
selection_border:   #403e41 -> #d7c7a9
sschuhmann commented 3 years ago

Any updates on this?

viktor-yakubiv commented 3 years ago

Interesting that I stopped using Monokai Pro finding the Sublime Text 4 themes: Breakers (light) and Mariana (dark), — working okay to me with no additional setup. Also, they switch automatically based on the systems settings, what also was a nice benefit.

When Sublime Text 4 arrived I started using Monokai Pro as a dark only and the Breakers for the daytime. So, switching from Monokai completely was a logical next step. However, I don't say, I will not start using Monokai again; maybe even try find good light colours for the light one I wrote before (yellow is a challenge though).

jakintosh commented 2 years ago
Screen Shot 2022-02-03 at 1 46 53 PM

I spent some time trying to migrate my preferred variant (Spectrum) to a macOS light mode for vscode. Just wanted to show an example of what it looks like for me (even if some might hate how bright it is!). I've personally paid for the license, but I won't be sharing this alteration directly so as to not break the terms. Just wanted to throw my experience in for having an official/sharable light mode for this theme that I use across my IDEs and terminals.

vbasky commented 2 years ago

This looks awesome @jakintosh as you said it would be good if we can tone down the colour palette by using more moderate colours. Otherwise this looks awesome. I wish Monokai Pro will consider to incorporate this

vteivans commented 2 years ago

I would also like to have the light theme. I like to switch between light and dark theme during the light and dark hours of the day.

ryanklarhoelter commented 1 year ago

+1000 for a light theme. Not having one is even more annoying in combination with Operator Mono, because italics change when you switch to alternative light themes. Thanks for the great work!

zachsa999 commented 1 year ago

Tuning in here as well

LawrenceLiu023 commented 1 year ago

I love the colours used in Monokai Pro, and have bought it. Just like the others, now I often work near windows. I wish to see a light version with less bright background colour like light grey. Most other apps do not have dark mode. So it could be difficult for eyes to adapt when swithing between different apps.

robrecord commented 1 year ago

There are some great colour schemes for light workspaces - try solarised and gruvbox light (both great for saving your eyes). At first they seem too yellow but you get used to it in a pleasant way.

I think the reason why monokai doesn't work as a light scheme is that it relies on very vibrant colours, which together with a light background is very intense for your eyes and difficult to focus. You'd need more contrast, so darker colours are necessary. There are many schemes which incorporate this, and (as mentioned) some do it with a reduction in background brightness which is a great bio hack (saving eye strain and thus preserves the readability of code over time).

I realise this is going off topic but just chiming in, 'case it helps anyone.

LawrenceLiu023 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply. I can understand that the colours have to be darker to ensure enough contrast in a light theme. The result may not be as amazing as the dark version, and some of the elements that make Monokai Pro so different will be lost. I think people who want a light version of Monokai Pro may just be expecting to see an equally amazing light theme because of their appreciation of the creators.

zachsa999 commented 1 year ago

I just want the icon pack in a light scheme. This way I can turn on light mode on the day schedule and never have to tough it again.

vbasky commented 1 year ago

Is this project abandoned ?

alanfluff commented 8 months ago

+1 for light variant

A1igator commented 7 months ago

the lack of light theme is the one thing keeping me away from paying for the license to use the project

abrouaux commented 4 months ago
Screen Shot 2022-02-03 at 1 46 53 PM

I spent some time trying to migrate my preferred variant (Spectrum) to a macOS light mode for vscode. Just wanted to show an example of what it looks like for me (even if some might hate how bright it is!). I've personally paid for the license, but I won't be sharing this alteration directly so as to not break the terms. Just wanted to throw my experience in for having an official/sharable light mode for this theme that I use across my IDEs and terminals.

@jakintosh could you share the various colors you used to end up with this so that others (me ;)) can apply this on their own themes?

mc0de commented 3 months ago

First of all, I'm aware that this is vs code related issues, but some people might find it relevant:

here's my spin of light Filter Aurora (based on Spectrum) for Sublime Text.

monokai pro aurora

Font settings:

"font_face": "JetBrains Mono Semibold",
"font_size": 18,

Theme file:

Monokai Pro (Filter Aurora).sublime-color-scheme ```json { "name": "Monokai Pro (Filter Aurora)", "author": "Anonymous", "uuid": "3ed0081a-a9c8-4bde-bfad-5f78e71e73de", "colorSpaceName": "sRGB", "variables": { "red": "#f63d77", "orange": "#fb6214", "yellow": "#e8b30a", "green": "#3aad53", "blue": "#1ba5bf", "purple": "#7358cf", "black": "#fdf9f3", "white": "#3d3d3d", "accent1": "#f63d77", "accent2": "#fb6214", "accent3": "#e8b30a", "accent4": "#3aad53", "accent5": "#1ba5bf", "accent6": "#7358cf" }, "globals": { "background": "#fdf9f3", "foreground": "#3d3d3d", "invisibles": "#adafac", "caret": "#3d3d3d", "block_caret": "#747770", "guide": "#ecedec", "stack_guide": "#ecedec", "active_guide": "#adafac", "selection": "#ecedec", "selection_border": "#ecedec", "selection_border_width": "1", "selection_corner_style": "round", "selection_corner_radius": "2", "line_highlight": "#080e000c", "bracket_contents_options": "underline", "tags_options": "stippled_underline", "gutter": "#fdf9f3", "gutter_foreground": "#adafac", "shadow": "#ffffff00", "shadow_width": "0", "highlight": "#969893", "find_highlight": "#e8b30a", "find_highlight_foreground": "#fdf9f3", "misspelling": "#f63d77", "fold_marker": "#e8b30a", "accent": "#e8b30a", "line_diff_width": "2", "line_diff_added": "#3aad53", "line_diff_modified": "#e8b30a", "line_diff_deleted": "#f63d77", "popup_css": "html {--background: #fdf9f3;--foreground: #3d3d3d;--redish: #f63d77;--orangish: #fb6214;--yellowish: #e8b30a;--greenish: #3aad53;--bluish: #1ba5bf;--purplish: #7358cf;--pinkish: #f63d77; background-color: #ecedec;color: #3d3d3d;} a {color: var(--yellowish);}" }, "rules": [ { "name": "Comments and overrides inside comments", "scope": "comment, comment keyword, comment, comment string, comment punctuation.definition, comment punctuation, comment text", "font_style": "italic", "foreground": "#969893" }, { "name": "JSDoc storage type", "scope": "comment storage.type", "foreground": "#969893" }, { "name": "JSDoc entity name", "scope": "comment", "foreground": "#5d5d5d" }, { "name": "JSDoc variable", "scope": "comment variable, comment variable.other", "foreground": "#5d5d5d" }, { "name": "PHPDoc keyword", "scope": "comment keyword, comment,", "foreground": "#5d5d5d" }, { "name": "Comment TODO / FIXME (at least in VSCode Python)", "scope": "comment keyword.codetag.notation", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Git status remote", "scope": "comment.git-status.header.remote", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Git status local", "scope": "comment.git-status.header.local", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "Git status remote", "scope": "comment.other.git-status.head", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Docstring", "scope": "string.quoted.docstring, string.quoted.docstring punctuation.definition", "foreground": "#969893" }, { "name": "Constant", "scope": "constant", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Constant", "scope": "constant.other", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Constant", "scope": "constant.other.caps", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Constant", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Placeholders in C", "scope": "constant.other.placeholder.c", "foreground": "#fb6214" }, { "name": "Constant as property", "scope": "", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Constant in latex", "scope": "constant.other.citation.latex", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Constant as color (in css / sass)", "scope": "constant.other.color", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Constant as character class escape (e.g. in regex)", "scope": "constant.other.character-class.escape", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Constant as key (e.g. in puppet manifests)", "scope": "constant.other.key", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Constant as symbol (e.g. in ruby)", "scope": "constant.other.symbol", "foreground": "#fb6214" }, { "name": "Constants in elm", "scope": "constant.other.elm", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "Number", "scope": "constant.numeric", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Constant", "scope": "constant.language", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Character escape", "scope": "constant.character.escape", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Search result line numbers", "scope": "constant.numeric.line-number.find-in-files", "foreground": "#adafac" }, { "name": "Search result matched line numbes", "scope": "constant.numeric.line-number.match.find-in-files", "foreground": "#e8b30a" }, { "name": "Sections", "scope": "", "foreground": "#e8b30a" }, { "name": "Functions", "scope": ",,", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "Class template", "scope": ",,", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "label", "scope": "", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Macros", "scope": "", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "Entity name", "scope": "", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "Class name", "scope": "", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "Constant name", "scope": "", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Namespace", "scope": "", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Inherited class", "scope": "entity.other.inherited-class", "font_style": "italic", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "Function name", "scope": "", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "Tag name", "scope": ", support.class.component.js.jsx, support.class.component, source.vue support.class.component", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Operator", "scope": "", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Operator", "scope": "meta.brackets, punctuation.separator", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "Entity name type", "scope": ",,", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "Tag attribute", "scope": "entity.other.attribute-name", "font_style": "italic", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "CSS class", "scope": "entity.other.attribute-name.class.css, entity.other.attribute-name.parent-selector-suffix.css, entity.other.attribute-name.parent-selector-suffix.css punctuation.definition.entity.css, entity.other.attribute-name.css, entity.other.animation-name.css", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "CSS id", "scope": "", "foreground": "#fb6214" }, { "name": "CSS pseudo class", "scope": "entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class.css, entity.other.pseudo-class.css, entity.other.pseudo-element.css", "font_style": "italic", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "Function names / calls", "scope": ", support.function", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "git status commit hex", "scope": "entity.other.git-status.hex", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "jinja delimiters", "scope": "entity.other.jinja2.delimiter", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "custom literal", "scope": "", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "custom literal string", "scope": "", "foreground": "#e8b30a" }, { "name": "custom literal number", "scope": "", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "rust specific", "scope": "", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "rust specific", "scope": "", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Invalid", "scope": "invalid", "foreground": "#f63d77", "font_style": "italic underline" }, { "name": "Invalid deprecated", "scope": "invalid.deprecated", "foreground": "#fb6214", "font_style": "italic underline" }, { "name": "Keyword", "scope": "keyword", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Control keywords examples include if, try, end and while. Some syntaxes prefer to mark if and else with the conditional variant. The import variant is often used in appropriate situations.", "scope": "keyword.control", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "keyword control directive", "scope": "keyword.control.directive", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Operator", "scope": "keyword.operator, keyword.operator.member,", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Substitution string", "scope": "keyword.other.substitution", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "Template literal begin / end", "scope": "keyword.other.template.begin, keyword.other.template.end", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "RestructuredText heading, table markup", "scope": "keyword.operator.heading.restructuredtext, keyword.operator.table.row.restructuredtext", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "elm parenthesis", "scope": "keyword.other.parenthesis.elm", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "rust specific", "scope": "keyword.other.fn.rust, keyword.other.rust, keyword.other.unsafe.rust, keyword.other.where.rust", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "rust specific", "scope": "keyword.control.rust, keyword.operator.misc.rust", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "ruby specific", "scope": "keyword.declaration.class.ruby, keyword.declaration.function.ruby, keyword.declaration.namespace.ruby", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Italic", "scope": "markup.italic", "font_style": "italic" }, { "name": "Bold", "scope": "markup.bold", "font_style": "bold" }, { "name": "Heading", "scope": "markup.heading", "foreground": "#e8b30a" }, { "name": "Raw", "scope": "markup.raw", "foreground": "#fb6214" }, { "name": "Underline", "scope": "markup.underline", "font_style": "underline" }, { "name": "Link", "scope": "", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "Diff inserted", "scope": "markup.inserted, markup.inserted punctuation.definition.inserted", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "Diff deleted", "scope": "markup.deleted, markup.deleted punctuation.definition.deleted", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Diff changed", "scope": "markup.changed, markup.changed punctuation.definition.changed", "foreground": "#e8b30a" }, { "name": "Diff ignored", "scope": "markup.ignored, markup.ignored punctuation.definition.ignored", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "Diff untracked", "scope": "markup.untracked", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "Markup quote", "scope": "markup.quote", "font_style": "italic" }, { "name": "Braces, delimiters", "scope": "meta.brace.round, meta.brace.square, meta.brace.curly, meta.delimiter.comma.js, meta.function-call.without-arguments.js, meta.function-call.method.without-arguments.js", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "Function call (vs)", "scope": "meta.function-call.generic.python, support.function.builtin.python", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "Function arguments (vs)", "scope": "meta.function-call.python meta.function-call.arguments.python", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Constructor (new MyClass())", "scope": "meta.instance.constructor", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "Class string name (i.e. in html attributes)", "scope": "meta.attribute-with-value.class string, meta.attribute.class.html string", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "ID string name (i.e. in html attributes)", "scope": " string, string", "foreground": "#fb6214" }, { "name": "JSON keys", "scope": "source.json meta.mapping.key string", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "YAML keys", "scope": "source.yaml meta.mapping.key string", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Object members", "scope": "meta.object.member", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "SCSS Variable", "scope": " variable.other", "foreground": "#fb6214" }, { "name": "Preprocessor", "scope": ", meta.preprocessor", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "git diff header", "scope": "meta.diff.git-diff.header", "foreground": "#e8b30a" }, { "name": "rust specific (brackets and certain type names)", "scope": "meta.type_params.rust", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "rust specific (variable.language.rust is 'self' keyword.", "scope": "meta.attribute.rust, meta.annotation.rust, variable.language.rust, variable.annotation.rust, meta.annotation.rust string, meta.annotation.rust keyword, meta.annotation.rust keyword.operator, meta.attribute.rust string", "foreground": "#5d5d5d" }, { "name": "type annotation", "scope": "meta.type variable, meta.type variable.other.readwrite", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Punctuation", "scope": "punctuation", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "Punctuation tags", "scope": "punctuation.definition.tag, punctuation.definition.tag source,,,,, punctuation.definition.string.end.html source.css, punctuation.definition.block, punctuation.definition.parameters.begin, punctuation.definition.parameters.end, punctuation.separator.parameter, punctuation.accessor, punctuation.terminator", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "Group (i.e. in regex)", "scope": "", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Comment start / end", "scope": "punctuation.definition.comment", "foreground": "#969893" }, { "name": "Variable indicator (i.e. in php or in include directives in sass)", "scope": "punctuation.definition.variable, punctuation.definition.keyword.scss, punctuation.definition.entity.css", "foreground": "#5d5d5d" }, { "name": "Punctuation section embedded (i.e. ?php blocks in html)", "scope": "punctuation.section.embedded, punctuation.section.embedded, punctuation.section.embedded constant.other, punctuation.section.embedded source, punctuation.section.embedded.begin", "foreground": "#fb6214" }, { "name": "Punctuation template string (`example`)", "scope": "punctuation.template-string.element.begin, punctuation.template-string.element.end, punctuation.definition.string.template.begin, punctuation.definition.string.template.end, string.quoted.template punctuation.definition.string.begin, string.quoted.template punctuation.definition.string.end, punctuation.definition.template-expression.begin, punctuation.definition.template-expression.end", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Punctuation hard line break in Markdown", "scope": "meta.paragraph.markdown meta.dummy.line-break, meta.paragraph.markdown meta.hard-line-break.markdown", "background": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Punctuation in markdown links", "scope": " punctuation", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "Meta braces", "scope": "meta.brace.round, meta.brace.square, keyword.operator.type.annotation, meta.type storage.modifier.array", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "region red color", "scope": "region.redish", "foreground": "#f63d77", "background": "#e31b6359" }, { "name": "region orange color", "scope": "region.orangish", "foreground": "#fb6214", "background": "#ec460a59" }, { "name": "region yellow color", "scope": "region.yellowish", "foreground": "#e8b30a", "background": "#c88a0659" }, { "name": "region green color", "scope": "region.greenish", "foreground": "#3aad53", "background": "#2a8f4059" }, { "name": "region blue color", "scope": "region.bluish", "foreground": "#1ba5bf", "background": "#1984a159" }, { "name": "region purple color", "scope": "region.purplish", "foreground": "#7358cf", "background": "#7358cf59" }, { "name": "region pink color", "scope": "region.pinkish", "foreground": "#f63d77", "background": "#e31b6359" }, { "name": "White for ST3 for non-colorized scheme", "scope": "region.whitish", "foreground": "#000000" }, { "name": "source", "scope": "source", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "SASS, SCSS default", "scope": "source.scss, source.sass", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "SASS, SCSS and LESS variables", "scope": "source.sass variable.other, source.sass variable.sass, source.scss variable.other, source.scss variable.scss, source.scss variable.sass, source.css variable.other, source.css variable.scss, source.less variable.other, source.less variable.other.less, source.less variable.declaration.less", "font_style": "italic", "foreground": "#fb6214" }, { "name": "git", "scope": "source.git-show.commit.sha", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "git", "scope": ",, source.git-diff.command, source.git-diff.command meta.diff.git-diff.header.from-file, source.git-diff.command", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "git diff header hash", "scope": "source.git-show meta.diff.git-diff.header.extended.index.from-sha, source.git-show", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "git diff header range", "scope": "source.git-show meta.diff.range.unified", "foreground": "#fb6214" }, { "name": "git diff header files", "scope": "source.git-show meta.diff.header.from-file, source.git-show", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "Storage", "scope": "storage", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Types and definition / declaration keywords should use the following scope. Examples include int, bool, char, func, function, class and def. Depending on the language and semantics, const may be this or storage.modifier.", "scope": "storage.type", "font_style": "italic", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "Extends", "scope": "storage.type.extends", "font_style": "normal", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Fat arrow function", "scope": "storage.type.function.arrow", "font_style": "normal", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Keywords that affect the storage of a variable, function or data structure should use the following scope. Examples include static, inline, const, public and private.", "scope": "storage.modifier, storage.type.modifier", "font_style": "italic", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "refs (Restructured text)", "scope": "storage.class.restructuredtext.ref", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "rust specific", "scope": "storage.modifier.visibility.rust, storage.modifier.lifetime.rust", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "rust specific", "scope": "storage.modifier.const.rust, storage.modifier.dyn.rust, storage.modifier.mut.rust, storage.modifier.static.rust, storage.type.rust, storage.type.core.rust, storage.class.std.rust", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "rust specific (adjust blue to red)", "scope": "storage.type.rust, storage.modifier.const.rust, storage.modifier.dyn.rust, storage.modifier.mut.rust, storage.modifier.static.rust, keyword.other.rust, keyword.other.where.rust", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "imported Java libraries", "scope": "", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "String", "scope": "string", "foreground": "#e8b30a" }, { "name": "String label", "scope": "string.unquoted.label", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Source in template string", "scope": "string source", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Embedded punctuation begin / end in template string", "scope": "string source punctuation.section.embedded, string punctuation.definition.string source", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "link title", "scope": ",", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "link description", "scope": "", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "String regexp begin / end", "scope": "string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.begin, string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.end", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "refs (Restructured text)", "scope": "string.other.ref, string.other.restructuredtext.ref", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "git key in git status help text", "scope": "", "foreground": "#5d5d5d" }, { "name": "git status remote", "scope": "string.other.git-status.remote", "foreground": "#f63d77" }, { "name": "Library constant", "scope": "support.constant", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "Handlebars start / end", "scope": "support.constant.handlebars", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "vendor prefix", "scope": "support.type.vendor-prefix.css", "foreground": "#5d5d5d" }, { "name": "Function name", "scope": "support.function", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "function brackets, comma's", "scope": "support.function.delimiter.elm", "foreground": "#747770" }, { "name": "Library type", "scope": "support.type,", "font_style": "italic", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "Support variables", "scope": "support.variable,", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "Library type property, JSON keys", "scope": "", "font_style": "normal", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Library class", "scope": "support.class", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "rust specific", "scope": "support.constant.core.rust", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "comment support", "scope": "comment support, comment support.class", "foreground": "#969893" }, { "name": "text", "scope": "text", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Search result", "scope": "text.find-in-files", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Variable", "scope": "variable, variable.other", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Function arguments", "scope": "variable.parameter, parameters variable.function", "font_style": "italic", "foreground": "#fb6214" }, { "name": "Reserved variable names that are specified by the language, such as this, self, super, arguments. Also in function arguments (e.g. like in Python)", "scope": "variable.language, variable.parameter.function.language.special.self.python, variable.parameter.function.language.special.cls.python", "font_style": "italic", "foreground": "#5d5d5d" }, { "name": "Reserved variable names: 'arguments'", "scope": "variable.language.arguments", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Library function", "scope": "variable.other.class", "foreground": "#1ba5bf" }, { "name": "Immutable variables, often via a const modifier, should receive the following scope. Depending on the language and semantics, may be a better choice.", "scope": "variable.other.constant", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "read/write variables", "scope": "variable.other.readwrite", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Fields, properties, members and attributes of a class or other data structure should use:", "scope": "variable.other.member", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Enum member", "scope": "variable.other.enummember", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "Variable property", "scope": ",, variable.other.event", "foreground": "#3d3d3d" }, { "name": "Function and method names should be scoped using the following, but only when they are being invoked. When defined, they should use", "scope": "variable.function", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "Substitution (restructured text)", "scope": "variable.other.substitution", "foreground": "#fb6214" }, { "name": "Ruby instance variables", "scope": "source.ruby variable.other.readwrite.instance.ruby, source.ruby variable.other.readwrite.class.ruby", "foreground": "#7358cf" }, { "name": "jinja2 variable block", "scope": "source.jinja2 variable.other.jinja2.block", "foreground": "#3aad53" }, { "name": "jinja2 variable", "scope": "source.jinja2 variable.other.jinja2", "foreground": "#fb6214" } ] } ```

someone could port it to VS code

This is the color map i've made, keys are replaced with values:

$auroraColorMap = [
    '#fc618d'   => '#f63d77', // red
    '#fd9353'   => '#fb6214', // orange
    '#fce566'   => '#e8b30a', // yellow
    '#7bd88f'   => '#3aad53', // green
    '#5ad4e6'   => '#1ba5bf', // blue
    '#948ae3'   => '#7358cf', // purple
    '#222222'   => '#fdf9f3', // black to white (inverted) bg // solar #fdf9f3
    '#f7f1ff'   => '#3d3d3d', // white to black (inverted) fg
    '#525053'   => '#adafac', // gutter text
    '#8b888f'   => '#747770', // punctuation
    '#363537'   => '#ecedec', // guides and selection
    '#f7f1ff0c' => '#080e000c', // line highlight
    '#69676c'   => '#969893', // highlight
    '#bab6c0'   => '#5d5d5d', // operators and prefixes
    '#fc618d59' => '#e31b6359',
    '#fd935359' => '#ec460a59',
    '#fce56659' => '#c88a0659',
    '#7bd88f59' => '#2a8f4059',
    '#5ad4e659' => '#1984a159',
    '#948ae359' => '#7358cf59',
    '#00000000' => '#ffffff00',
    '#FFFFFF'   => '#000000',

I tried to invert greys, and adjusted tones to a bit darker ones until they were looking semi decent. Later adjusted greys a bit more because they were too dark.

Monokai commented 3 weeks ago

Monokai Pro 2.0 has a light version now

mrmurphy commented 3 weeks ago

I love the new light themes!! Does anyone else have the problem of their sidebar icons totally disappearing with the light theme though? All other light themes are fine for me, but when I use a Monokai pro light theme my toolbar icons all disappear

mrmurphy commented 3 weeks ago

Ah, I'm guessing it had something to do with my installed plugins. I installed Monokai Pro on Cursor with fewer plugins and it's working fine.