monokrome / jaded-brunch

Jade for brunch, supporting both dynamic and static loading jade.
MIT License
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apply dependency fix #17

Closed lalomartins closed 8 years ago

lalomartins commented 8 years ago

as we discussed before — see and

up to you whether or not to apply while we discuss fixing that on the brunch level :smile_cat: but figured better to have the pull request around in case you decide you do want it.

monokrome commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the pull request!

This is how jaded-brunch was doing this in early 2013, but the feature for requesting brunch to skip storing the file was added to brunch afterward due to an issue where I had a project that had a lot of static files which resulted in a large amount of unnecessary JavaScript in the output.

If you are looking for this as a feature then I would consider adding it as an option-based thing, but not sure that it makes sense as an exclusive behavior. All solutions at this point seem hacky, and I feel like it's really up to brunch to prioritize this as an important bug in Brunch more than for every plugin to solve the problem individually.

I'm wondering if @paulmillr or @es128 feels like this is a brunch issue worth prioritizing, but will assume as much unless specifically told otherwise.

Thanks again, @lalomartins. I appreciate the pull request, but just want to make sure that this is being solved in the right places. Please feel free to reopen if you feel like there is more to this that I should consider! :)

es128 commented 8 years ago

The blunt answer is that Brunch was not designed to provide this capability, so all these solutions are inherently hacky workarounds with some drawbacks. I pointed out in brunch/brunch#916 where someone could look to tweak the workflow for a better fix, but it's not something I'm going to personally work on.

I have ideas for Brunch 2.0 which would make this a non-issue, but I don't honestly know when I'll work on that either.

monokrome commented 8 years ago

@es128 Maybe I'm missing something, but if it's an accepted enhancement in brunch then doesn't that imply that it's a use-case that is going to be supported? If it wasn't expected to work properly then I don't know why the enhancement would be accepted.

Either way, I'm asking because I want to dig in and see if I can fix it. That may not work, because brunch's code is not very helpful but I'm planning on giving it a shot if there's some expectation that there is going to be a release sometime soon.

I just don't want to spend time on it, submit a PR, and then a release never happens. It's a brunch issue, and multiple plugins are trying to work around brunch not solving the problem at this point.

es128 commented 8 years ago

A PR that solves the problem would be accepted and published

es128 commented 8 years ago

I didn't mean in my earlier comment that the desired behavior here is being deliberately not supported. It just wasn't designed this way from the beginning, and as we've seen problems have arisen from trying to find ways to slide it in. There probably is an easy enough solution to the remaining problem, but at this point I think the better approach is to encourage community participation in figuring it out than waiting for me to personally focus on it.

monokrome commented 8 years ago

Thanks for clarifying, @es128. I'll attempt a fix sometime later this week :)

Pinging @lalomartins just to give an update on status