monome / crow

Crow speaks and listens and remembers bits of text. A scriptable USB-CV-II machine
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Caw module can now stream a const char bigger than the TX buffer #444

Closed trentgill closed 2 years ago

trentgill commented 2 years ago

Fixes #264

Specifically solves usage of ii.<module>.help() for modules with a lot of commands (kria, jf, txo, disting etc).

Previously, only the first 1024 bytes would be sent, after which the USB TX buffer would be full & discard the rest of a message. This PR adds a queue system so that longer blocks of chars will be broken up across multiple USB frames.

Note, this solution only works with const char* strings as we don't need to copy the data anywhere. It cannot be applied to scripts that generate giant strings.


While fixing this i discovered that the code that marks the TX buffer as empty doesn't guarantee that the buffer has been fully consumed. In practice I was able to trample the last dozen characters or so, when spamming the USB port. Making a note here so it can be searched, but not opening an issue as i don't think it's pertinent to fix for crow's usage.

If someone needs to fix it, look at the new USB_tx_is_ready() fn in usbd/usbd_cdc_interface.c for how to check if the buffer should be released.