monome / ii

ii protocol (i2c for synth modules)
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parameter subscription #10

Open trentgill opened 4 years ago

trentgill commented 4 years ago

Suppose that all devices are able to become leaders, it would be interesting to allow for a subscription style parameter request.

Take 2 crow modules. One crow could subscribe to the other's input jacks in 'change' mode, meaning that the 'follower' crow would temporarily become a leader whenever an input 'change' event was created.

At present, the only way to achieve this kind of behaviour is to customize the script on that follower crow to lead the ii bus when a change event occurred. By switching to a subscription model, the leader crow (ie the consumer of the data) can tell the follower crow when the data is required or not.

This style of parameter exchange would reduce bus traffic by denecessitating polling-style requests. This feature would require all devices to be able to lead the bus, but this seems to be a possibility eg. with #9.