monome / maiden

web based editor and repl for norns
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ux enhancements to package install and update #175

Closed jlmitch5 closed 4 years ago

jlmitch5 commented 4 years ago

as we were discussing in wanted to create an issue for enhancements to the package install/update ui. Namely:

  1. on the available packages list, change the install button to non-clickable, installed grey text

I think this one should be easy and only need front-end work, because we already are grabbing the list of installed packages for the installed tab.

  1. on the installed packages list, have an "update all" button at the top, which only has a single confirmation dialog after clicking "update all", then recursively goes through each installed package and tries to update.

After discussion it seems clear that we don't want to get in the business of handling git diffing and being a git client with maiden, so I'm trying to think of this update all function as basically just being a slightly modified ui of the exact update mechanism that happens now...just sort of "scripting" the sequence of actions. Does that sound like an okay path forward?

For this feature, it would be nice if either

a) "update" turns to "updating" for each package in the installed list


b) the modal that is displayed after clicking confirmation changes text to show you which package is currently attempting install

so that we may indicate progress as the "update all" action may take a bit to get through and may look like something is stalling/crashed if there isn't progress indication. I don't really have a preference of ux between the two.

It also might be nice to be able to cancel the operation and stop any additional packages from being installed if you want to abandon.

Any errors should be held til after the process is completed or canceled, and then the errors concated in a single error modal at the end.

While knowing if a package has been updated or not would be cool, I can't think of a way to do it without introspecting the git hash of the current head of the default branch and diffing with whatever is local to norns, and I don't think that's something we want to do. I think that "update all" will make knowing up to date status less useful.

jlmitch5 commented 4 years ago

Gonna get going on this as described above and see what I can figure out, let me know if there are any concerns with the approach outlined!

tehn commented 4 years ago

happy new year!

these suggestions are good--- any help on them would be hugely welcome.

jlmitch5 commented 4 years ago

I might be able to help, but have a lot of stuff going on so I can't make any promises.

if I could get the deps to work that would help, but it seems we changed from using glide to using go modules, which does not work in the old clone, nor does it work in a place not in the gopath (clone in ~/maiden)

I get

new_maiden ➤ go install                                  git:master*
../.go/src/ cannot find package "" in any of:
    /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/jmitchell/.go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
../.go/src/ cannot find package "" in any of:
    /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /Users/jmitchell/.go/src/ (from $GOPATH)

@tehn @ngwese @pq

jlmitch5 commented 4 years ago

I see now that I might need to update go as that was bumped to, trying that

jlmitch5 commented 4 years ago

works now, wish I would have realized that sooner...went on a very long goose chase trying to figure out what the problem was hah

jlmitch5 commented 4 years ago

alright dev environment all set up, hopefully the changes aren't too difficult and I can get this in when I get another evening of time

ngwese commented 4 years ago

Sorry about the confusion around the glide to go modules switch. I just checked the README and I did update it to mention go 1.12+ but obviously that doesn't help if you already had the repo cloned!

...would very much welcome the above improvements.

jlmitch5 commented 4 years ago

@ngwese No problem.

it doesn't look like I get any "available packages" when setting up my local maiden env as described here

"installed packages" tab does work (and update works), so I should be able to tackle that part of my suggestions.

ngwese commented 4 years ago

The instructions are probably stale. One wrinkle which isn't documented is that the maiden repo now has norns-community registered as a submodule. The default config(s) for where to pull packages are in that repo.

git submodule update --init should get you the extra files in your local dev environment. You'd then need to copy this directory to which ever data dir you are pointing the maiden daemon at.

jlmitch5 commented 4 years ago

thanks @ngwese, didn't realize that, have got the submodules now and have cp'd the sources dir.

No dice on getting any thing in availabel (api/v1/catalogs is returning catalogs: [])

In the go console, it looks like it is trying to look at

/users/jmitchell/dust rather than /users/jlmitchell/norns/dust (though you can seem some are looking in the right place it seems

Screen Shot 2020-01-16 at 11 03 33 PM

my maiden command is ./maiden server --app web/build/ --data ~/norns/dust --doc ~/norns/norns/doc --debug

jlmitch5 commented 4 years ago

I fixed it @ngwese. I added /norns after $HOME to all the places in maiden.yaml and restarted my ./maiden terminal

# catalog source config file paths; can be glob patterns
  - $HOME/norns/dust/data/sources/*.json

# output dir for catalogs generated from a source
catalogOutputDir: $HOME/norns/dust/data/catalogs/

# catalog file paths; can be glob patterns
  - $HOME/norns/dust/data/catalogs/*.json

# dust directory details
  path: $HOME/norns/dust/
  code: $HOME/norns/dust/code/
jlmitch5 commented 4 years ago

thanks for your help figuring this out. now I for sure have the dev environment all set up to tackle this

ngwese commented 4 years ago

You can also specify which config file you want maiden to use via a command line flag. IIRC have a modified "maiden-dev.yaml" config file which has the paths moved around to work when I'm running things on my laptop.

jlmitch5 commented 4 years ago

👍 sweet