monome / maiden

web based editor and repl for norns
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Performing "update all" does not give any user feedback #183

Open papernoise opened 4 years ago

papernoise commented 4 years ago

When clicking the "update all" button in the project manager, the UI stays on the "please wait…" window. Scripts are being updated it seems, but maiden does not give any feedback about what's going on and about having successfully completed or not the update.

When clicking that button again, I get the "failed" message and the list of scripts that were not updated because they are already up to date.

How to reproduce:

OS: MacOS Catalina/Sierra Browser: Firefox 76.0.1 (64bit) Extentions that could interfere: none that I know. I've tried to disable them all and the problem persists.

ngwese commented 4 years ago

Agreed, the current UI is far from ideal. The two primary bodies of work which need to be addressed are:

ngwese commented 3 years ago

The #202 hopefully addresses some, but not all, of the concerns noted above - in particular there is still no progress feedback during long running operations such as "update all"

ngwese commented 2 years ago

This is still an issue which people run into frequently.

One strategy would improve the current implementation without having to change anything in the backend would be:

The currently implement kicks off update requests for all installed scripts in parallel IIRC. This is problematic when people have a large number of scripts installed and/or latency/bandwidth to the script location is high. In theory it is possible with the current implementation for updates to a large number of scripts to essentially cause the maiden backend to overwhelm the norns device and/or run out of cpu/memory.