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get wifi status working #17

Closed ranch-verdin closed 6 years ago

ranch-verdin commented 6 years ago

this seems to roughly work... just plumbing it into the norns app...

tehn commented 6 years ago

is there any way to detect/report fail states? like the end of the router script, check if it got an ip, say OFF if failed?

ranch-verdin commented 6 years ago

think I am correctly detecting fails now...

Still I would very much like to modify the hotspot feature such that it uses only the low-level networking commands (ip, wpa_supplicant, etc). That could potentially make these scripts applicable to busybox if we do end up going that route

ranch-verdin commented 6 years ago

argh, I totally broke it, sorry....

ranch-verdin commented 6 years ago

actually it was working, just misunderstood the unfinished norns-screen UI...